Hey, everyone.

It's been awhile since last time I participated in Groovy.
I was mostly in read-only mode for the last two years.

With this move, I hope to change it.

I created a proposal for macro methods (no ETA, initially aimed to 3.0)
because I think they are great for the future of Groovy and compile time

You can find the proposal here:

Not sure how Apache people will react on it since it's on GitHub, but it
was the simplest way for me to share and discuss it.

Please note that macro methods are not the same as MacroGroovy - another
thing from me already merged to groovy-core. But, MacroGroovy *can* and
*should* be implemented with macro methods.

Grammar and clearness are not my strong points, but we can improve the
proposal altogether.

For the few years Guillaume, Baruch, Cedric and others were trying to
spread the word  about macro methods, but the problem here that they are
something really new and I didn't succeed explained them back in the days.

So, I'm inviting everyone to discuss them, by raising GitHub issues, or
here, in mail list, to make them more clear for everyone, including end


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