Does your transform extend ClassCodeExpressionTransformer (like
Depending on how you have set things up, you might need to.

Cheers, Paul.

On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 9:46 AM, Gowtham Sridharan
<> wrote:
> Hi
> Here is my usecase. I am running on version 2.1.6
> I am trying to convert all array declarations to a more custom datatype
> which is not exposed to the end user.
> For ex:
> def strr =  new String[4]  will be modified to def strr=new
> mycustomType(datatypeForString,4)
> def str = [1,2,3] as String[]  will be modified to def str=new
> myCustomType(dataTypeForString,list)
> So far at the AST level, I registered a custom visitor and
> visitDeclarationExpression().
> I am currently compiling the user script using custom GroovyClassLoader and
> executing it on the fly using
> myclassLoader.parseClass(usertext).newInstance().run()
> When I am executing the above the sequence(compiling,loading,executing) the
> AST transformations are executed(verified through sys printls) but the final
> code execution does not reflect  it.
> Here is the snippet of the code that modifies the expression and sets it to
> the parent.
> @Override
>         public void visitDeclarationExpression(DeclarationExpression
> expression) {
>             // TODO Auto-generated method stub
>             if (expression.getLeftExpression() instanceof VariableExpression
>                     && expression.getRightExpression() instanceof
> ArrayExpression) {
>                    // Inspect the arrayExpressio
> expression.setRightExpression(transformArrayExpression((ArrayExpression)
> expression.getRightExpression()));
>             }
>             else if (expression.getLeftExpression() instanceof
> VariableExpression
>                     && expression.getRightExpression() instanceof
> CastExpression) {
>                 // Inspect the cast expression
> expression.setRightExpression(transformCastExpression((CastExpression)
> expression.getRightExpression()));
>             }
>             super.visitDeclarationExpression(expression);
>         }
> Any pointers?

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