Hi Paul,

No I don't have that.  Let me play around with it.
Thanks for the pointer.


On 02/16/2017 04:41 PM, Paul King wrote:
Do you have something like:

VariableScopeVisitor scopeVisitor = new VariableScopeVisitor(source)

for each of your closure(s)? Where cNode is a closure's classNode?

Cheers, Paul.

On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 9:35 PM, Ed Clark <eacl...@ameritech.net> wrote:
Ok, a little more headbanging and I seem to have gotten farther (maybe?).
At least the error message has changed.  Now I'm getting:

BUG! exception in phase 'class generation' in source unit 'CtxTest2.groovy'
Operation: (<assignment operator>:  "=" ) not supported

Searching hasn't helped with this one.

The xform-ed code looks good -- in fact, if I type the code into a separate
groovyConsole, it will run.  (The console AST generation works up thru
the Instruction Selection phase, obviously.)

I'm guessing it's still with how I'm setting up the scoping (or how I'm not
setting up the scoping).

Ideas, please?



On 02/14/2017 12:58 PM, Ed Clark wrote:
On 02/14/2017 12:16 PM, Jochen Theodorou wrote:

On 14.02.2017 12:41, Ed Clark wrote:
Hi Jochen,

Well, I've been slowly making progress on this; kind of feels like
bashing my
head against a wall at times, but I have made a small hole in the wall
which I can see my goal. ;-)

making holes my lead to brain damage.. then things get really hard to
solve ;)
Maybe I'm too late, and that's why things aren't coming together ;)

Specifically, I haven't figured out how to inject a variable into the
scope of an outer
with's closure that can be used by code in an interior with's closure.
For example,

   myCtx1.with {
       __outerCtx1 = null            // injected statement
       __currCtx1 = myCtx1       // injected statement
       .... some code ...
       myCtx2.with {
           __outerCtx2 = __currCtx1   // injected statement <---  doesn't
           __currCtx2 = myCtx2          // injected statement

where is __currCtx1 and __outerCtx1 coming from? Are they supposed to be
new local variables? in that case you will have to add a
DeclarationStatement, not just an assignment to a VariableExpression.
Otherwise the compiler will thnk they are dynamic properties and tries to
resolve them against the context.

as for the logic behind __outerCtxN... with number wouldn't have to be
null I would have said you should think of using getOwner on Closure

Hmmm, I'm close to that, but not quite the same.  I was trying

    ExpressionStatement currCtx = new ExpressionStatement(
        new DeclarationExpression (
            new VariableExpression( "__currCtx$levelcnt"),
            new Token( Types.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR, "=", -1, -1),
            new MethodCallExpression( new VariableExpression( 'this'),
'getDelegate', new ArgumentListExpression())

Would a DeclarationStatment act differently from an ExpressionStatement
with an embedded
DeclarationExpression?  If my foggy memory is correct, I wrote my code
after looking at the
AST displayed for a short test script in groovyConsole.

Plus, if foggy memory serves, I tried using getOwner and it came back with
the closure being
owned by the test script, not the object doing the with.  Calling
getDelegate gave me the object.
If foggy memory serves.

I also tried playing around with setClosureSharedVariable( true) and
without success.  But, those were somewhat blind stabs in the dark, so I
might not have been
using them correctly.

Looking at the AST generated by groovyConsole, my transform looks like it
is working, but
the compiler complains about things not being in scope (in the inner
closure).  So, I'm doing
something wrong with setting up the scoping.

  bye Jochen



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