Hi Apache Groovy community,
I have the pleasure to announce the release of the first alpha version of
MirComp, the framework for algorithmic and assisted music composition.
The new website is online with some basic information on how to download,
install and launch the application:


Some notes (not in particular order):

The application is still not completely stable and has some issues but it
is usable and I was eager to release the prototype :-)
Even developers without an interest in music can use MirIDE, the main
application of MirComp, as a multitab alternative to the groovy console by
simply creating new scripts from the main menu (or from a project) and
using the "Run" action to execute groovy code (however in case you want
full control as in the groovyConsole you have to switch off the sandbox and
compilestatic options by uncheck the voices in the menu). Moreover, since
my neural network library MiRNN is included in the distribution it is
possible to make general AI test (even unrelated to music).
I wish that thanks to MirComp the Groovy language could play an important
role in the algorithmic music field. Indeed, since when I started designing
the framework I have always seen mirchord/groovy as a loose analogy of
html/javascript: MirChord is a declarative notation language while groovy
should be used for music logic.
Moreover, my hope is that MirComp could let musicians to gently approach
the amazing world of computer programming in a fascinating and artistic

MirComp has beeen tested under Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 10 but should work
under OSX as well so a feedbak from Mac users would be very appreciated.
For example I noted during the development several different behaviors in
Windows and Linux (just as an example the cut/paste of text with ctrl+c/v
in the code editor needed some more hacking on Linux).
You know, as an old joke said: "Write once, debug everywhere!"
Actually, any kind of feedback is welcome.
MirComp  requires a recent version Java 8 (preferably >= 1.8.0_74) and uses
the indy version of Groovy (2.4.10) even if most of the code is statically

Enjoy groovy music (and AI)... in Groovy!


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