Hi Paul,

I was just referring to your "You can already leave off the "clutter" and apply a CodeNarc rule[1] to detect "bad" style", which seemed to poke fun at my suggestion - and which I did not quite get: What use would a rule be, if having the clutter that unavoidably comes from having "final" everywhere is exactly what the rule would enforce ?-)

Apart from that I totally get and expect the Devil's advocate approach from your side, I would do the same. If I have a proposal, I'd better expect you to poke it and be prepared to defend it.

Thank you for your suggestions on where to look for info on the local AST transform.
Where can I download "Groovy in Action" ?
Just kidding...

On 24.08.2017 14:08, Paul King wrote:
Forgot the list the first time.

On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 8:44 PM, Paul King <pa...@asert.com.au <mailto:pa...@asert.com.au>> wrote:

    On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 8:32 AM, MG <mg...@arscreat.com
    <mailto:mg...@arscreat.com>> wrote:

        Hi Paul,

        On 21.08.2017 04:30, Paul King wrote:

        Support making all method/ctor parameters final by default
        through "autofinal" Groovy compiler flag:

             1. Foo(int x, String s) { // final keyword is auto added
                to all parameters, if compiler flag is set, i.e. this
                automatically becomes Foo(final int x, final String s)
                this.x = x; this.s
                Rationale: Even if Groovy source samples use def
                instead of final a lot, parameters (and variables)
                are, according to my experience, most of the time
                actually final in practice (In the few cases where
                one needs to modify a parameter, it can immediately
                be assigned to a variable). This feature would reduce
                the source code clutter that comes from the need to
                qualify parameters as final all the time.

        You can already leave off the "clutter" and apply a CodeNarc
        rule[1] to detect "bad" style.

        you are not a big fan of using final, I gather ;-)

    It's not a case of being a fan of a particular style. Groovy
    supports final using the final keyword and we'd want a very good
    reason to change that now. So I am just taking the Devil's
    advocate point of view saying that the breaking change and
    difference to Java are possibly too big given what is currently
    supported. If we were starting a language from scratch and cared a
    little less about being somewhat similar to Java, it might be a
    totally different story.

        When I picked Groovy for the framework I am developing, I
        started writing code in the typical Groovy style used e.g. on
        the Groovy webpage and mrhaki: def everywhere, no final. But
        at some point the C++ developer in me kicked in, and I started
        to ask myself, why final was not used instead of def, since in
        99.999% of cases, no reassignment of variables or parameters
        occurs ? Apart from making the code easier to read & safer, it
        also allows compiler optimizations (and in the absence of a
        true const-keyword, at least for fundamental data types it has
        the same effect). So I started using final, and reapplying it
        to the code I wrote before. For methods with a large number of
        parameters this makes the method definition really long, and
        does not really improve readability. So auto-applying final
        imho really makes sense, at least in my case (but I am
        convinced it would for most Groovy developers, if it is easily

        Also, it would be an easy task to create an @AutoFinal local
        transform which could then be automatically applied using a
        compiler customizer. I think going further with a dedicated
        compiler flag would be a later step if such a local transform
        became extremely popular.

        Never found the need to do my own AST transforms in Groovy -
        do you maybe have a pointer to a current tutorial on how to
        get started for me ? Since you mentioned macros in your reply,
        I first went "Do we have these in Groovy ?", then I found I
        checked out the 2.5 macro description - do you think it would
        be worth waiting for 2.5 to become stable to be able to use
        macros for this functionality ?

    For a tutorial, I don't have anything that googling "groovy create
    local AST transform" wouldn't give you. The online docs and Groovy
    in Action would be my picks. I'd suggest an AST transform over a
    macro for this use case. I'd also add that Groovy's final variable
    analyser itself (a new feature in 2.5) still has a few unfinished
    parts if you are looking for something that needs doing.

    Cheers, Paul.


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