I got a strange @CompileStatic build error today, of which i am not sure whether it is expected behavior with a confusing error message, or an error in Groovy, so I post it here for comments before creating a ticket:

class *GroovyReflection {
*  /**
*    throws:*
*    Error:(20, 104) Groovyc: Expected parameter of type java.lang.Object but got java.lang.Class* *    Error:(20, 119) Groovyc: [Static type checking] - Cannot find matching method at.gv.bmlv.groovyutil.reflection.GroovyReflectionClass#createFromClass(java.lang.Object).
    Please check if the declared type is right and if the method exists.*
*  */*
*  final *Map<Class, GroovyReflectionClass> *classToReflectionClassMap *= [:].withDefault { *
    final *Class clazz -> GroovyReflectionClass./createFromClass/(clazz)

*  // works*
*  final *Map<Class, GroovyReflectionClass> *classToReflectionClassMap *= ([:] *as *Map<Class, GroovyReflectionClass>).withDefault {
***final *Class clazz -> GroovyReflectionClass./createFromClass/(clazz)


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