On 15.12.2017 16:44, mg wrote:
"If we want to keep static Groovy near Java as much as possible..." - who wants that ? ;-)

ok, scratch the "as possible". As required form a performance and integration point of view. Doing method calls not the Java way will hurt performance. Would I for example compile foo.bar() as

if (foo==null) {
} else {

then I would really change each and every invocation that is not based on this or super. The JVM is good at code elimination, but the guard will be still there, increase the bytecode size and have other effects. I collected some experience with this kind of logic when implementing the primitive optimizations.

That is pretty much what I expected. So warning developers about this is the best thing to do.

yes, static method calls, be it done in Java or static Groovy, are different than in normal Groovy.

Btw, do we already have an official "@CompileStatic gotchas" section somewhere ?

I think not. Feel free to add one ;)

bye Jochen

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