By the way, let's not forget we already have a forum that works with our
mailing-lists: ie. the Nabble forum!
See at the bottom of the page the integration:

On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 2:35 PM, Jochen Theodorou <> wrote:

> On 02.01.2018 04:45, Nathan Harvey wrote:
>> Once again I would like to bring up the idea of starting a forum using
>> Discourse. In particular, I would like to highlight some of the features
>> Discourse offers that are relevant to the mailing list, for those concerned
>> about making the switch:
>> - Supports replying to conversations and PMs via email out of the box
>> - Can be configured to allow starting conversations and private messages
>> via email
>> - Support SSO via numerous providers, so no need to create a separate
>> account
>> Discourse inherits all of the functionality of the mailing list (some
>> assembly required), and on top of that offers all the modern features you
>> would expect from a forum. It's free and it's open source. The Discourse
>> team will even offer free hosting and setup for open source projects like
>> Groovy. Many other projects like Kotlin utilize this system.
> Being at apache with have the requirement to document all of the
> development relevant decisions and their discussions. The only accepted way
> for this I do know right now is the developers mailing list.
> I donĀ“t think it would be a hard requirement to be able to actually post
> to groovy-dev, but since notifications are posts, there is not much point
> in making a difference here imho. But to be able to really work as an
> archive we require the message id logic working, to allow the apache
> archive to see the whole thread.
> And then there is the cost factor. You talk of free hosting and setup.
> Does such a setup enable the features we require? Finally there is the
> hosting problem. It is unclear to me if hosting the forum outside apache
> lands is ok. At least the domain must be under apache control.
> For me that is the minimum requirement that has to be met to work with
> apache.
> Then let us talk about groovy-user, because in case of groovy-user we do
> not really have these restriction. So I do see the possibility for
> groovy-user.
> My personal experience though is not speaking for a forum. If I have a
> waiting time of 5 minutes I can very well read through same mails and mark
> important ones I my want to reply later to, once I have more time.
> Filtering and sorting by my mail client really helps me here. Plus,even if
> I have no internet I can read my mails, write answers and then send them
> once I have internet again. The later one can be done only with a client of
> course. But even ignoring that and only looking at sorting and marking I do
> not know of any forum with that capability to the extend that I need.
> Obviously a forum requires a different approach.
> But frankly... If I take that old groovy forum, or SO or any other
> approach I have seen so far... I never became an active participant for
> long. Either it was so low volume, that I did not want to spend time there
> just to find nothing or it was so high volume, that I had trouble finding
> the posts of interest. The gradle forum is an example for this. And that
> forum is not bad... you just need to approach things different and with
> more time.
> On the other hand I am on more than a dozen mailing lists and it does not
> matter to me if they are low or high volume. Sure I am not reading all of
> the messages and to some I should probably unsubscribe as well, but it is
> not bothering me at all. Without a proper email client for this kind of
> stuff I can of course very well understand that they cannot handle mailing
> lists.
> As for the problem of having "too many channels to manage" it would be
>> feasible to set up the forums to alert mailing list users that a new topic
>> has been started.
> Just for you to maybe understand the extend... I get a mail for every pull
> request, every comment on github, every jira entry for groovy. Which means
> my mail client is the entry point to jira, to github, to our normal mailing
> lists and many other things. Sure, if I want to reply to a github comment I
> do so by going to github, but still I am getting informed about them at a
> single point. And now have that for 3 more projects and you get a real
> feeling of what "one channel to manage" means for me. Even if you did bring
> all that to discourse I would still use my mail client widely for other
> projects and mailing lists.
> This would help bridge the gap between the two platforms.
> just informing about a new topic is not enough, but already helps for low
> volume lists. The problem is you will not get informed about followup mails
> though. And if people need days for a reply, you may never read it.
> My conclusion is that even if we had a forum my first entry point would
> still have to be mail, or I would automatically reduce my reading time in
> Groovy and thus reducing my answering time, because now answering time will
> have to be reading time as well. Not on purpose of course. Maybe it works
> for groovy-user better. But then it would still mean I would be less on
> groovy-user.
> bye Jochen

Guillaume Laforge
Apache Groovy committer & PMC Vice-President
Developer Advocate @ Google Cloud Platform

Social: @glaforge <> / Google+

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