What error are you seeing?  Do you see the error at runtime or in your IDE?  
Your code works for me (Groovy 2.4.9) so maybe check for unbalanced braces 
elsewhere in your code.

However, you shouldn't catch/rethrow the InterruptedException as you do. The 
InterruptedException is not thrown for "some reason", it is thrown when another 
thread calls Thread.interrupt() on your thread (e.g. to wake your thread up so 
it can check its state).  For example:

Thread t = Thread.start {
        boolean running = true
        while (running) {
                try {
                catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        running = shouldIKeepRunning()
                        return true
// At program shutdown/cleanup
println "Our thread has termintated."

The Closure passed to the Thread.sleep method can be used in place of the 
try/catch block.  That is the closure will be called when Thread.interrupt() is 
called on your thread i.e.:

        Thread t = Thread.start {
                boolean running = false
                while(running) {
                        Thread.sleep(1000) {
                                // Called then Thread.sleep() is interrupted.
                                running = false
                                return true
        // ...

Finally, if you are doing complicated threading work you should really be using 
GPars or Java's Executors, ThreadPools, et al.


> On Jan 5, 2018, at 11:01 AM, Mohan Radhakrishnan 
> <radhakrishnan.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>          I am new to groovy. Here I tried to create
> a simple wrapper around 'sleep'.
> I see the error in the subject at 'def'. What's wrong ?
> Thanks,
> Mohan
> /**
>  * Our custom sleep logic.
>  */
> trait ThreadSleeper {
>      long ms
>      Closure cl = {}
>     /*Sleep with an action taken*/
>     def  sleeperWithAction() {
>         try{
>             Thread.sleep ms, cl
>         }catch( InterruptedException ie ){
>             throw new SleepInterruptedException( ie, "Thread.sleep is 
> interrupted for "+
>                                                       "some reason [" + 
> ie.getMessage() +"]");
>         }
>     }
>     /*If there is no action to be taken then we call this*/
>     def  sleeper() {
>         try{
>             Thread.sleep ms
>         }catch( InterruptedException ie ){
>             throw new SleepInterruptedException( ie, "Thread.sleep is 
> interrupted for "+
>                                                      "some reason [" + 
> ie.getMessage() +"]");
>         }
>     }
> }

Keith Suderman
Research Associate
Department of Computer Science
Vassar College, Poughkeepsie NY

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