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On Mon, 16 Jul 2018 at 08:33, Paolo Di Tommaso <>

> Dear all,
> I'mv trying to use the new `macro` feature to execute a class method call
> expression using an executor service.
> I've tried:
>     private BlockStatement wrap(MethodCallExpression mce) {
>         return macro(true,{
>             def executor =
> java.util.concurrent.Executors.newCachedThreadPool()
>             def list = new ArrayList(1)
>             list.add( { return $v{ mce } } as Callable )
>             def result = executor.invokeAll(list)
>             return result.get(0).get()
>         })
>     }
> and
>     private BlockStatement wrap(MethodCallExpression mce) {
>         return macro(true,{
>             def task = new java.util.concurrent.Callable<Object>() {
>                 @Override
>                 Object call() throws Exception { return $v{ mce } }
>             }
>             ExecutorService executor =
> java.util.concurrent.Executors.newCachedThreadPool()
>             def list = new ArrayList(1)
>             list.add(task)
>             def result = executor.invokeAll(list)
>             return result.get(0).get()
>         })
>     }
> However none of them work. The first return a NPE during compilation and
> the second reports:
> Groovyc: [Static type checking] - Cannot find matching method
> nextflow.ast.ProxyImpl$1#$v(groovy.lang.Closure). Please check if the
> declared type is correct and if the method exists.
> (using CompileDynamic I got a NPE error one more time)
> What I'm missing? is it possible to handle this use case with an ast macro
> ?
> p

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