I'll move this to the dev list.

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 10:26 PM Jochen Theodorou <blackd...@gmx.org> wrote:

> Am 27.09.2018 um 01:24 schrieb Paul King:
> > The String check for "groovy.transform.Immutable" would work fine if the
> > 2.4 compiled class was actually loaded with it;s annotations but
> > AnnotationCollector changes any meta-annotation to no longer be an
> > annotation but a class to store the serialized information for the
> > pre-compiled case.
> Was that already in 2.4 the case for @Immutable? I thought it was not
> expressed by the annotation collector back then.
> And why do we do all those checks for if the type is annotated with
> @Immutable then? We also check for if the annotation starts with
> groovy.transform.Immutable, which would cover ImmutableBase as well,
> which imho stays on the class... wait...it is source only.. oh..
> > I think we need to perhaps adjust what we do there
> > slightly to leave the original annotation intact. I'll try to work on
> > that on the plane trip home - perhaps we should delay 2.5.3 a few days
> > to see if we can address this but any alternative suggestions welcome.
> leaving the original annotation in tact is what I suggested to you
> before even writing here, because somehow I knew this was the problem,
> without even having looked at it properly ;)
> Still I'd like to really understand it, and I am not there yet.
> bye Jochen

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