Am 08.01.2019 um 11:54 schrieb Paul King:

    > (4) While sponsorship is below what we'd like and below what it
    has been
    > at some previous points in Groovy life, it isn't 0. We have several
    > existing sponsors, e.g. OCI. The wording about the collective
    should take
    > that into consideration.

         Yep. OCI is a great company for Groovy! We always appreciate its

          Let's imagine that would be really great if more people
    involve into
    developing Groovy, more big features(e.g. MOP2, async/await) are
    and hard issues(e.g. generics of STC) are fixed every year :-)

Totally agree with you, just suggesting the wording used is sensitive to existing players. I can help craft wording if needed.

Might be worth thinking about whether existing sponsors would consider giving their donation through the same channel ? Could have different tiers of sponsorship (gold, silver, etc), with respective logo sizes, etc to differentiate. Would lead to a greater exposure for them... I guess it would also not be too hard to integrate a sponsor names or logos into e.g. Groovy console (if Apache allows that)...


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