Hi Anton,

could you please point out to me the concepts you mention in a private email ? It still seems to me that what I said was right, see for instance: https://wiki.c2.com/?AlanKaysDefinitionOfObjectOriented


(Many of these topics are quite old, and things which are no big deal now definitely were back then, such as the fact that C++ is not a TRUE OO language, since calls are only virtual if the method carries that explicit keyword  - a useless design decision from my experience, yes (I remember trying to find a case where non-virtual calls actually gave a performance advantage in my C++ game engine back in 2000, and just could not construct a real world example), but at the same time not that big a deal in practice (why the much younger language of  C# uses the same concept remains puzzling, though.))

On 15/10/2020 20:16, Anton Shepelev wrote:
MG about Alan Kay's "message passing":

It is not an approach per se, but just terminology.
Lest I annoy the list administrators by continuing this off-
topic disussion, I will confine my reply to the remark that
Kay's concept of message passing is not mere terminology. It
is also more that just an approach -- it is a full-fledged
paradigm, alghough OCsite may not have meant it that way
when he mentioned it. Thanks for sympathy.

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