
> On 20. 10. 2021, at 13:18, James McMahon <jsmcmah...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One thing I've been thinking about recently is whether these refinements 
> always make things easier to read and maintain, or more cryptic and 
> difficult? Some groovy things I've seen sometimes make it a little more 
> difficult to unwrap what the code is doing. But as I said, I suspect that's 
> more a function of my lack of experience rather than a Groovy problem.

Depends on the writer of course. Groovy gives you a pretty powerful gun; it is 
up to you whether you hunt more efficiently or shoot your own leg :)

That said, the property access MG mentioned is essentially always beneficial; I 
can't think of any place where “foo.bar” would be worse than “foo.getBar()”, 
not speaking of “foo.bar++” compared with “foo.setBar(foo.getBar()+1)”, etc.

There used to be a style guide amongst the documentation somewhere, let me 
see... here you are: http://groovy-lang.org/style-guide.html

Worth definitely reading, and in most cases embracing (of course you don't have 
to :))

All the best,

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