
I have a problem running tests with the maven surefire plugin. I'm not sure
what exactly triggers this issue, but I will randomly get the error below.

[ERROR] Errors:

[ERROR]   BundleProcessorTest.testBundleFilesMissingPdfFiles:54 ยป Runtime
Uncompilable code - cannot find symbol

  symbol:   class BundleUtil

Here are some details about my scenario.

- All my projects are configured to use groovy 4.0.2.

- I'm using JDK 17.

- All my projects are built with maven.

- I have one project that contains all of my groovy code.

- I compile the project with maven and use the maven-antrun-plugin as
documented on your site.

- I have a second project that uses the jar file generated by my groovy
project. All the code in my second project is currently Java.

If I change the code in my second project (uses the jar file from groovy
project), and run the command "mvn surefire:test" I will occasionally get
the above uncompilable code issue. Running "mvn clean install" has so far
always fixed the issue.

I should also mention that I'm using Netbeans 13 and its editor can't seem
to see the file either. It gives an error saying "can't find symbol". The
problem usually starts in the IDE, but running the maven surefire command
from the command line will produce the same error until I do a clean
install command.

I'm not sure how to "fix" this issue. I can't tell at this point if the
issue is in maven, surefire, Netbeans, or Groovy. Has anyone run into this
before? I can provide more information and config/code snippets if it will
help diagnose the issue.



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