The variables at the top are not global (they are local to the script main
You can make them visible to the functions with @Field annotation


On Thu, Aug 10, 2023, 6:30 PM James McMahon <> wrote:

> Hello. I am trying to use a variable I define globally in a function that
> follows within my script. Here is my code:
> def currentYear =
> def yearValue
> def monthValue
> def dayValue
> boolean validateDate(String myYYYY, String myMM, String myDD) {
>     // Acceptable range for years is assumed to be 120 years in the past
> to 40 years into the future
>     log.error("in validateDate, myYYYY is ${myYYYY}")
>     log.error("in validateDate, myMM is ${myMM}")
>     log.error("in validateDate, myDD is ${myDD}")
>     log.error("in validateDate, currentYear is 2023")
>     log.error("in validateDate, currentYear is ${currentYear}")
>     yearValue = Integer.parseInt(myYYYY)
>     monthValue = Integer.parseInt(myMM.replaceFirst(/^0+/, ''))
>     dayValue = Integer.parseInt(myDD.replaceFirst(/^0+/, ''))
>     //if ((yearValue >= currentYear - 120 && yearValue <= currentYear +
> 40) && \
>     //    (monthValue >= 1 && monthValue <= 12) && \
>     //    (dayValue >= 1 && dayValue <= 31) \
>     //   ) { return true }
>     //   else { return false }
>     //log.error("about to validate in validateDate, using
> ${yearValue.toString()} and ${currentYear.toString()}")
>     log.error("about to validate in validateDate, using
> ${yearValue.toString()} and 2023")
>     //if ((yearValue >= (currentYear - 120)) && (yearValue <= (currentYear
> + 40))) { return true } else { return false }
>     if ((yearValue >= (2023 - 120)) && (yearValue <= (2023 + 40))) {
> return true } else { return false }
> }
> In my log I find the first four log.error() output statements, but I do
> not see the line that I expect:
> in validateDate, currentYear is ${currentYear}
> currentYear does not seem to be known to my function validateDate(). What
> ios my error here? How can I correct this?
> Thank you in advance for your help.

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