Vincent Bray wrote:
On 10/12/2007, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks again, I've removed the limit directive, but still can't get the
protection working.
(don't worry, the .htpasswd file isn't in the document root - I just
made a typo when removing the real directories for posting - well
spotted though!)

I am reading and re-reading the regdeveloper link trying to see what
I've missed.

Probably your use of Directory (my bad for suggesting it) conflict
with ProxyPass (because you're proxying, the directory becomes
irrelevant). Try Location instead, and with the local url path instead
of filesystem path.

No luck with Location - in fact it is worse - it insists on sending to the app instead of just serving it through httpd.

Using Directory and excluding it from the proxy with
   ProxyPass /common/ !
at least lets me see the file instead of a 404.

I just need to figure out what I'm doing wrong with the basic auth. I'll try it on a much simpler configuration, without any proxying and see what happens.

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