but when i try to open it with firefox, all i obtain is that error message:

It is usually quite irelevant what User Agent says, for you as admin, the source of information is the error log:

http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/DistrosDefaultLayout shows where main distros 
place Apache files.

   - You don't have permissionto access the requested object. It is either read 
protected or not readableby the server.
   - if you think that is a server error, please contactc your webmaster.
   - error 40.3.

There are (generally) two reasons for 403s:
(I'm suspecting the latter)

i tried "chmod 777 -R /usr/share/dialup_admin"with no result (same issue)

777 is NEVER an apropriate way of dealing with ANY kind of permission problems.

.php files works fine, but i would like to be able to run .php3 extension files 
too. how could i do that!

Search for the line that configures PHP to be run by Apache, it *should* be something like:

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml

[But more likely it's some gross hack as described in http://www.devside.net/articles/php]

Add any extensions you desire to be handled by the PHP interpreter.


So long,

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