On April 20, 2011 6:06 , Debashis Roy <r_debas...@hotmail.com>  wrote:
I would like to configure two different context roots with MOD_SSL in Apache Httpd, such that one is authenticated using client certificate and the other one does not require SSL client authentication. Each of these two context roots are eventually delegated MOD_PROXY_AJP two different backend tomcat applications.
How can this be achieved. Any help/pointer highly appreciated.

The SSLVerifyClient directive controls whether a client certificate is required, optional, or never used. If you had two different <Location> stanzas in the same virtual host (one for each of the two backend Tomcat applications), include the SSLVerifyClient directive in the one that you wanted to authenticate using client certificates, and omit it from the other.

Alternatively, you could set up two separate virtual hosts, one for each backend Tomcat application, and specify the SSLVerfiyClient directive in one of the two virtual hosts, omitting it from the other.

  Mark Montague

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