Hello good people,

This is a request for sanity check of a running config under Apache
2.0.52. I have this single vhost that was configured long ago. I recently
was handed over the ownership of the config, and it struct me that it was
a bit peculiarly, in the sense that i am not all sure if the Location tag
ACL will limit the use of the proxy?
Furthermore I am uncertain whether to run proxyrequests on or off - since
reading the docs dont make it clear to me.

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName   www
    DocumentRoot /oathto/www
    <Directory "/pathto/www/tomcat/content" >
        AllowOverride None
        Order deny,allow
        deny from all

    ProxyRequests On
    ProxyPass         /content http://content.site:10610/content
    ProxyPassReverse  /content http://content.site:10610/content
    <Location />
          Order Deny,Allow
          Deny from all
          Allow From
          Allow From ip
          Allow From another.ip
          Allow From yet.another.ip



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