At 04:02 PM 3/30/2016 +0200, Ghislain wrote:

I have ProxyPassMatch redirecting to a file socket to a php FPM process. The issue i have is that the ProxyPassMatch support sockets but it send the URL with encoding.

Therefor "my list.php" is sent as "my%20list.php" then making it a 404 not found.

Too long to rehash old stories of "don't use spaces in *nix file names" -- you can, with caveats, but probably shouldn't, particularly if you want to save your sanity ;=}

Try renaming "my list.php" to mylist.php or my_list.php.

Best -- Paul

  I use

ProxyPassMatch ^/(.*\.php(/.*)?)$ "unix:/home/site1/logs/php-fpm-1151.sock|fcgi://localhost/home/site1/logs/public_html" timeout=900

I tried to modify things but was not able to find a solution to this. Is there a secret option to make it send the path unencoded ?


ps: no, i would not use a network socket i don't want anybody on the localhost to be able to launch php code on it ;)

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