
I understand that building Apache httpd on Windows using VS has a couple
of undocumented issues. Namely using VS 2015 I run into these problems:
1. parallel builds cause spurious build failures
2. Apache monitor fails to link with the following error: CVTRES : fatal
error CVT1100: duplicate resource.  type:MANIFEST, name:1, language:0x0409
3. Apache monitor fails to link with the following error:
ApacheMonitor.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _setargv
referenced in function WinMain

As far as I'm concerned two issues are widely known already:
Issue 1:
(dates back to January 04 2012)
Issue 3: http://marc.info/?l=apache-httpd-dev&m=143255557131122&w=2
(dates back to May 25 2015)

I don't see any mentioning of these build issues in the Apache
bugtracker. Should I create corresponding bugreports, or was it for some
reason decided not to have them listed as bugs in the bugtracker?


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