Hi Travis,
I see you mentioned on StackOverflow that your question is resolved (extra
virtual hosts in the configuration meant you weren't reaching to correct

One recommendation based on the config you posted there: Don't use
<IfModule mod_ssl.c> if it is critical to you that your site is available
over ssl (or similar for any other module you need).
<IfModule > is great if you don't know anything about the server where your
code is actually going to run, but not necessarily when you control the
If your SSL configuration is inside <IfModule > and for some reason mod_ssl
isn't loaded, you will not get an error message when you run a config check
(highly recommended before reloading/restarting the service) that SSL (or
other module) isn't loaded.
You would rather know that.

- Y

On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 5:21 PM Travis Johnston <tjohns...@collaborative.org>

> Hello,
> This is my first post to the group so testing the waters with an issue
> that I am having. I run 4 Ubuntu servers, each controlled with Webmin and
> Virtualmin. I am adding SSL to one of the sites but every time I visit the
> https://www.domain.org it gives me either one of the errors.
> The Chrome one isn't very helpful but the Firefox error at least tells me
> that it's an issue on the server. I've posted to Stackoverflow about the
> issue as well here:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51733739/ssl-on-ubuntu-14-04-virtualmin-virtual-server-shows-unknown-protocol
> I've made sure that port 443 is being listened to and in the
> site-avaiable/domain-name.conf file there are 2 <Virtualhost> entries, one
> for port 80 and one for port 443.
> The SSL cert installed correctly without any errors and the 443 entry was
> added and appears fine. SSLEngine is On, file paths for certs are all
> correct. The *.conf files are being loaded by Apache OK.
> One issue I do have is if I set the 443 to *:443 in the conf file, a
> different website on the server loads if you visit https. I need to
> specifically enter the IPADDRESS:443 or the domain:443 to stop it from
> redirecting.
> Any help is appreciated, really stumped with this one.
> Thanks,
> *Travis Johnston, Web Systems Architect & Salesforce Administrator*
> Collaborative for Educational Services
> 97 Hawley St, Northampton, MA. 01060
> Company Phone: (413) 586-4900
> Direct Line: (413) 588-5930
> Website: http://www.collaborative.org/web-dev
> Twitter: https://twitter.com/CESTravis
> LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/travisejohnston
> For all support related issues, please visit our Help Center at
> http://support.collaborative.org and login with your Google Apps account
> or register to see answers to commonly asked support questions. If you do
> not find an answer that meets your support needs, please submit a request
> by clicking the button located at the top of the Help Center.
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