We were able to achieve this in IIS using below rewrite configuration, was 
wondering if theres any module that I can use in apache to achieve the same.

          <rule name="Adjust context root" preCondition="matchReq">
            <!--Check if the Response URI location from Application Redirect 
starts with /gtaapp (Application context) and if so, prefix /services/gta  as 
required by Torbit-->
            <match serverVariable="RESPONSE_LOCATION" 
pattern="^(\/gtaapp\/)([\w\-\.]+[^#?\s]+)(.*)?(#[\w\-]+)?$" ignoreCase="true" />
            <action type="Rewrite" value="/services/gta{RESPONSE_LOCATION}" />
            <preCondition name="matchReq">
              <!--Ensure the request is from external user. This can also be 
determined based on a new HTTP header added by Torbit, if required-->
              <add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^www.external.com$" 
ignoreCase="true" />

Naveen Reddy
Senior Systems Engineer Middleware Webservices – Cloud Middleware
Strati PaaS – Core Foundations
Cell: 479 321 4679

From: Naveen Nandyala <naveen.nandya...@walmart.com.INVALID>
Reply-To: "users@httpd.apache.org" <users@httpd.apache.org>
Date: Monday, January 14, 2019 at 12:01 PM
To: "users@httpd.apache.org" <users@httpd.apache.org>
Subject: EXT: Re: [users@httpd] RE: Updating Response url from Apache

Thank you Matt for response.

We don’t have control on external proxy server its Torbit managed by other team.

We have all firewall rules opened and communications between internal and 

Below are request and response we are looking for.

Request ::
End user access this url in AEM ( 
 —> Torbit ( Proxy pass 
  —> https://www.internal.com/gtaapp/menu.jsp ) —> Apache 2.4 
https://www.internal.com/gtaapp/menu.jsp —> WAS Application Server 
((Application with context root “gtaapp” )


Response ::

WAS Application Server (Application with context root “gtaapp” ) —> Apache 2.4 
https://www.internal.com/gtaapp/menu.jsp  (here we are looking to send response 
as https://www.internal.com/services/gta/gtaapp/  based on HTTP_HOST in header 
set to www.external.com<http://www.external.com> in Torbit) —> Torbit ( proxy 
pass https://www.internal.com/services/gta/gtaapp/menu.jsp —>  
 —> AEM/Client 

Internal users access application directly hitting Apache 2.4 virtual.
External users will access application from AEM which appends additional 
context root “\services\gta” which is not actual context root of Application.

I’m looking to change https://www.internal.com/gtaapp/menu.jsp  to 
https://www.internal.com/services/gta/gtaapp/menu.jsp whenever apache sends 
response back to torbit so that torbit can identify correct path in AEM and 
load request to user as 

Torbit passes HTTP_HOST with value as www.external.com<http://www.external.com> 
in header so that I can filter based on http_host and do this only for the 
requests coming from external so that it doesn’t affect internal users.

I tried to use substitute module which quiet didn’t work.


Naveen Reddy

From: "Muggeridge, Matt" <matt.muggerid...@hpe.com>
Reply-To: "users@httpd.apache.org" <users@httpd.apache.org>
Date: Sunday, January 13, 2019 at 8:03 PM
To: "users@httpd.apache.org" <users@httpd.apache.org>
Subject: EXT: [users@httpd] RE: Updating Response url from Apache

There are bound to be other approaches, but one method is to configure the 
www.external.com server as a reverse proxy.  This assumes you have control of 
the web server running on www.external.com.


From: Naveen Nandyala [mailto:naveen.nandya...@walmart.com.INVALID]
Sent: Monday, 14 January 2019 11:25 AM
To: users@httpd.apache.org
Subject: [users@httpd] Updating Response url from Apache

Hello Team,

                We are currently using application internal to our network 
using something like below

We are working to expose our application to external users we use an additional 
component Adobe Experience manager for accessing application which appends and 
additional context root in request header before even hitting our proxy server 
in DMZ which proxies request to internal.
Now our request for external users will be.
 when it redirects to internal Apache web server and when internal web server 
responds back to external its not appending additional context root in header 
/services/app due to which it's failing.

I’m looking for my internal Apache web server to identify any request coming to 
the internal Apache web server from www.external.com<http://www.external.com> 
sends a response back to external by appending /services/app to the header 
before Application_context_Root.

I think I may not be able to use rewrite module to achieve, I’m looking at 
substitute module. Is there a way I can add a condition to substitute module 
and append it to response header from apache?

Any request that comes to Apache from www.external.com<http://www.external.com> 
or Proxy server should be filtered and in every response that apache sends to 
this requests  I need to add “/services/app” to header before application 
context root.

Naveen Reddy
Senior Systems Engineer Middleware Webservices – Cloud Middleware
Strati PaaS – Core Foundations
Cell: 479 321 4679

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