Depends on not ’smarter thinking’ but 'out of the box' thinking… I can block a 
few hundred thousand IP’s with just THREE characters ! Not boasting but I have 
half of China and Russia blocked if not 3/4 with less than 30 characters… So I 
suggest (with the aid of the 'GREP' command) to ascertain which countries you 
won’t deal with and block whole IP blocks or domain suffixes…. ONE possible 
solution and a LOT less work :) Anyone blocked can ALWAYS email me if they are 
a genuine customer and ask WHY they are blocked if they feel it’s a wrong 
decision, 99.99% don’t because MOST bad IP requests are automated, so no loss 


> On 1 Jul 2020, at 15:33, Wendell Hatcher <> wrote:
> Hello, I have a ipfileblocklist text file that has over 10,000 ip addresses 
> that need to be matched against. We managed to do a RewriteCond expr  " 
> (%{HTTP:x-etsc-client-ip} -ipmatch 'X.X.X.X' )” on the cdir ipmatch that 
> comes back from the F5 but there are too many single rewrite cond exprs that 
> are being called and it caused apache to slow down or lock  due to each 
> singular condition call within the file.
> Over 60000 plus single condition calls in our separate ipblocking file. This 
> causes a huge load on the apache server and locks the system.
>     RewriteCond expr  " (%{HTTP:x-etsc-client-ip} -ipmatch 'X.X.X.X' )”
>      RewriteCond expr  " (%{HTTP:x-etsc-client-ip} -ipmatch 'X.X.X.X' )”
>     RewriteCond expr  " (%{HTTP:x-etsc-client-ip} -ipmatch 'X.X.X.X' )”
> We want to load the ips into a rewritemap text or db and call them but the 
> mapping condition on the CDIR seems to be off somewhat and doesn't work.
> Also, as the file grows do you have any recommendations on iobuffering or 
> slow down loading the data into a map?
> Our file has a list of ips like to so. The condition will check each 
> beginning and end with b$
> <>   b
> <>   b
> RewriteMap ipblocklist “txt:/path/to/ipblocklist.txt”
>   RewriteCond "${ipblocklist:% ({HTTP:x-etsc-client-ip} -ipmatch  ^b$)”   [NC]
>   RewriteCond ${ipblocklist:%{HTTP:x-etsc-client-ip} -ipmatch}}  ^b$          
>   [NC]
> RewriteRule ^/[^/]+/Main/ad/ - [F,L]

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