
Our setup:
Subversion 1.10 on RHEL8 served by httpd 2.4
Reverse proxy httpd 2.4 on RHEL8

We're seeing one or more failures/day during SVN checkout/updates.
There appear to be some variations on the error:
These are the logs on the SVN (backend) server
First type:
[dav:error] Provider encountered an error while streaming a REPORT response.  
[500, #0]
[dav:error] A failure occurred while driving the update report editor  [500, 
[dav:error] Error writing base64 data: Connection reset by peer  [500, #104]

Second type:
[dav:error] Provider encountered an error while streaming a REPORT response.  
[500, #0]
[dav:error] A failure occurred while driving the update report editor  [500, 
[dav:error] Error writing base64 data: Broken pipe  [500, #32]

[dav:error] Provider encountered an error while streaming a REPORT response.  
[400, #0]
[dav:error] Broken pipe  [400, #32]

[dav:error] Provider encountered an error while streaming a REPORT response.  
[400, #0]
[dav:error] Connection reset by peer  [400, #104]

Clients are both TortoiseSVN on Windows and Jenkins SVNkit on Windows and Linux.

Am I correct to assume that it is the client (or something between the client 
and the proxy server) that is breaking the connection? Or is this a problem on 
either of the apache servers?

In the error_log of the proxy server I see errors like:
[Thu Jan 14 06:42:01.647633 2021] [proxy_http:error] [pid 17204:tid 
140412413015808] (104)Connection reset by peer: [client 192.168.x.y:38940] 
AH01102: error reading status line from remote server <backend SVN server>:443

For this error the following SO post 
(https://stackoverflow.com/a/64365796/1313616) suggests to add ` SetEnv 
proxy-initial-not-pooled 1` but 
https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/mod_proxy_http.html warns that this may 
downgrade performance.

But the timings of these errors do not match the dav:error error messages.

Clocks on both servers are synchronized via NTP.

How can I fix/troubleshoot this further?
I cannot reliably reproduce this on the dev server using a single large 
I have found that when a lot of checkouts are triggered simultaneously the 
error happened. Whether that was because of the high load or simply because 
more checkouts increase the chance of running into the problem is not clear to 

Thanks in advance


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