
I have read back a few weeks in the archives for posts from this
individual, "Back button." I do not see any contravention of the code of
conduct on the lists by Nick Folino, or other project members.

In fact, what I see is Nick asking "Back button" to tone it down, and
then because of repeated disregard for the list moderators, they were
removed from the mailing list for abuse by Eric Covener.

Regular list members, apologies for this intrusion on your time - feel
free to mute this thread in your MUA.

"Back Button," you went on ban-evaded by signing up to the mailing list
with a new address. It even appears that you set up a sock puppet
account to act as your daughter to complain to the mailing list.

So, "Back button," the code of conduct contravention here is your own
actions. You are not being concise. You are assuming bad intentions. You
were asked to stop posting, and you did not. And, finally, you are
picking arguments because you are not personally being catered to.

As an open source developer of nearly 30 years, I can tell you this:
what you're doing is *not* how you go about asking for help, not from
other users, and especially not from the maintainers of a project.

The Apache License v2.0 (under which httpd is distributed) states you
get permission to do whatever you want with the code, subject to a
license and copyright notice, and notification of state changes, with
limitations around liability, trademark use, and - most importantly -
**zero warranty**.

No one on this list is obligated to help you with your problem. These
are people giving freely of their time to try and resolve your problems.
Please be respectful of their limitations, and understand that your
actions to date do not inspire those here to give more of their time to
help you out.

In fact, quoting from the Apache License v2.0: You get the code "on an
express or implied." It then goes on to say that "**YOU** [emphasis
mine] are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of
using... the Work and assume any risks associated...."

Finally, at the risk of upsetting you, I want to cite a reference. In a
famous GitHub post from 2014[1], Steve Klabnik summed it up perfectly:
"You are the reason people burn out on open source. Don't be such an
ass." It is entirely possible for you to seek the help you need
regarding httpd, but everything you have shown to date suggests you are
the problem here, not the members of the mailing

Best regards,
Joan Touzet


On 18/05/2021 00:53, back Button wrote:
> Fact: 
> All Java EE compliant application servers have the same directory
> structure , so all Java EE applications are portable and familiar to
> developers, including tomcat which is not fully Java EE compliant.
> Apache HTTPD versions contradict this.
> There isn't even a recognition anywhere that this  should be an
> expectation. You are not going to get it anyway.
> You did not answer any questions regarding this nor shed any light on it.
> You goal is just to try to bother me.
> FAO: Joan Touzet Apache  code of conduct. 
> Ms. Touzet please have a look at this email account's history in the
> archives . You will find all his messages are either derogatory towards
> me or about. 
> On Monday, 17 May 2021, 23:53:23 BST, Nick Folino <> wrote:
> Bit 5 has always been my favorite bit.  He just hangs out there between
> 6 and 4.  Nobody bothers him.
> Plus you can't get past 15 without him.  He's a really good guy.
> For what you called a horrible product you sure seem to want to figure
> it out.
> Keep reading.
> On Mon, May 17, 2021 at 2:21 PM back button <
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     In my application
>     <>
>     I placed the front end proxy server on the all new  64 Bit Rasperry
>     Pi 4.
>     It is a wopping 64 bit  processor with 8GM Ram  running the on 
>     linux  lsb_release Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
>     I used the ubuntu 64 bit OS rather than Raspberry Pi OS because 
>     Raspberry Pi OS was pulling down a different version
>     of Ubuntu server Apache HTTPD , did not not include all the Ubuntu
>     utilities.
>     I understand that when I startup the HTTPD using systemctl start
>     apache2, it rises directly into RAM
>     occupying the massive 8 GM of volatile memory. Then it starts
>     listening for urls in the I/O buffer.
>     I understand the HTTPD socket server with its text parser mod(s)
>     performs quite fast when running in RAM.
>     I have tried out two different bits used talk to HTTPD  with the
>     back  end business logic application server(s) .
>     The first bit  I used is the  mod_jk.
>     This is the bit which talks to each other
>     |LoadModule    jk_module  path/to/ AddModule     mod_jk.c
>     JkWorkersFile /path/to/httpd/conf/|
>     The second bit I used is called mod_proxy.
>     this is the bit which talks to each other
>     |<VirtualHost <>> <Proxy
>     balancer://mycluster> BalancerMember
>     <> BalancerMember
>     <> </Proxy> ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass /
>     balancer://mycluster/ ProxyPassReverse / balancer://mycluster/
>     </VirtualHost>|
>     Both bits  I used to talk to each other work fine. The first bit and
>     the second bit.
>     *Questions *
>     I am a bit confused which bit should I use, the first bit or the
>     second bit  ?
>     Are any other bit(s) I can also try out  for a bit of practice ?
>     favourite phrase:
>     How you like them Apples ?
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