
Is there a way to configure apache httpd 2.4.55 as per the below flow when
the below conditions occurs

User -> Apache Web Server -> PHP-FPM Upstream server -> MySQL DB

*Condition 1 when MySQL DB is down*
When MySQL DB is down, httpd to render JSON output when invoking
http://mydomain.com/apis by the user using postman rest api client.
JSON Output
{"status_code": 500, "status" : "MySQL DB Server is down"}

HTML Output
HTML output when invoking http://mydomain.com/apis using client browser.

*Condition 2 when PHP-FPM is down*
When PHP-FPM Upstream server is down, httpd to render JSON output when
invoking http://mydomain.com/apis by the user using postman rest api client.
JSON Output
{"status_code": 502, "status": "php-fpm server is down"}}';

HTML Output
HTML output when invoking http://mydomain.com/apis using client browser.

Please guide me.

Best Regards,


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