On 12/03/2024 20:45, Dave Wreski wrote:

If I understood correctly you want the resulting path to be loaded by your php-fpm backend.

Do you have a fallbackresource, such as:
"FallbackResource /index.php" or similar?

If not, then you may want to add it.

Yes, that's correct, I'm using php-fpm. I don't currently have a fallbackresource. I'll add it, if necessary, but I'd also like to identify the actual source reason why it's happening in the first place. How do I troubleshoot this further?


What I would do is RewriteRule with just [L] tag for internal redirection or [R,L] if you don't mind the redirection to be external.

Since I haven't seen the whole configuration my guess is you don't have the proper handler defined for the resulting url and that's why you get a 404, and in those cases a is when fallbackresource is ideal, to hand those requests to where they must end.

Generally when I use passthrough [PT] is because the end url will be dealt with the appropiate handler, but you don't seem to have a rule for the destination to be handled in php, so how come you expect anything else other than a 404?

That is briefly what I would do:

First make the proper redirections:

  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteMap lsv2ids "txt:/etc/httpd/conf.d/linuxsecurity-lsv2ids.map"
  RewriteRule "/content/view/(.*)" "${lsv2ids:$1}" [R,L]

Define the fallback for requests not ending in PHP but for which I hand the php handler to deal them.
  FallbackResource /index.php

Define the handler for php file requests
<FilesMatch \.php>
  SetHandler "proxy:unix:/run/php-fpm/linuxsecurity.sock|fcgi://localhost"

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