
For Solaris youhave to enable separately the name resolution for IPv6:

Putting ipv4/ipv6 addresses in


and in /etc/nsswitch.conf Make sure 'ipnodes' line contains 'dns' entry so that IPv6 hostname lookup can be performed through DNS in case that resolution failed by looking up a local file.

hosts:      files dns
ipnodes:   files dns

This is kind of brain damage in Solaris - why they invented ipnodes?


Janos Mohacsi
Network Engineer, Research Associate
Key 00F9AF98: 8645 1312 D249 471B DBAE  21A2 9F52 0D1F 00F9 AF98

On Fri, 27 Jan 2006, Roy Smith wrote:

I'm on a Solaris-9 box. If I use nslookup or dig, I can resolve IPv6 hostnames:

fusion:clsapi$ nslookup -type=aaaa 6bone.net.
Server:  zeus.smarts.com

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:    6bone.net
Address:  2001:5c0:0:2::24

but ping won't resolve the same name:

fusion:clsapi$ ping -A inet6 6bone.net.
ping: unknown IPv6 host 6bone.net.

Likewise, I wrote a little C program which uses getipnodebyname(), and it, too, reports HOST_NOT_FOUND when I try to resolve 6bone.net.

My guess is that nslookup and dig get directly at the DNS layer, while getipnodebyname() (and the command-line ping) are working at Sun's NSL layer, which is probably mis-configured for IPv6. Unfortunately, I don't know enough about NSL to 1) be sure my guess is correct or 2), know how to fix the problem. Can anybody help with either or both of those?

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