It is possible to map java domain classes to views instead of tables.

Estatio has a couple of examples... perhaps Jeroen could dig out a link for
you (I'm typing this on my phone).

Alternatively, yes, you could use view models. These then programmatically
combine the data.

On your particular use case I would inject the repositories for the
"backing entities".

One point to beat in mind is that Isis will handle view models with
collections, it only serializes the state of the view model's properties
(the determine the url of the view model). The workaround is to make the
collection derived, using @Collection(notPersisted=true), and return is
results by requerying the appropriate repository.

Again, Estatio has some examples, I think

On 5 Nov 2015 15:16, "Cesar Lugo" <> wrote:

> Hello. I have the need to create some objects that are compound from some
> other domain objects (similar to a "view" in a relational database,
> updatable views). Let's say I have Business with businessId and name
> properties, 1:n to another entity named BusinessLocation with properties
> businessLocationId and name and address properties (to keep things simple
> for now). So, for example, I need to create a new object that is
> BuisinessLocationView, which contains,
>, and . Then, in some cases,
> I
> want to use such views like BusinessLocationView as a collection within
> Business, and as a standalone collection, and also have the ability to
> update its fields so the corresponding entities are updated with the
> changes
> (Business and BusinessLocation), and in some cases even add a new view like
> BusinessLocationView so it adds a new BusinessLocation.
> Is there a way to do this? Is that what @ViewModel is for?
> I would appreciate If you could point me to any sample that might help.
> Cesar.
> ---
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