Hi Martin,

On 13 November 2015 at 09:23, Martin Vogel <vo...@bi-web.de> wrote:

> Hi Dan,
> since the TodoApplication_en.properties was mothballed am I right to
> assume that overriding the ActionParametersFormPanel.properties in an
> external property file or the AppManifest is not working anymore as well ?
No, at the moment we have a bit of a hybrid story when it comes to i18n.
Most of the i18n does indeed come from the .po files, however certain bits
of the UI are "hard-coded", which is to say they rely upon Wicket's
internationalization, namely resource bundles.  This includes

There is actually a JIRA ticket [1] to complete the work of using our .po
files everywhere, and I don't think it should be too much work.  We do have
it scheduled for this next release 1.11.0.

> I am trying to override the label descriptions of form actions.
> Referencing those via their message id inside a .po file didn't work either.
It should work using the regular resource bundle approach; this is just
"vanilla" Wicket.  Do report back as to whether if works or not for you,
one way or another.

As for using the .po files, just a reminder that in prototype mode these
default to "write" mode, so to use one needs to switch them to "read" mode
(on the Prototyping menu),  In production mode the default is "read" mode.


Thx in advance and best regards,
> Martin

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ISIS-1093

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