Hi Jeroen,

Thanks for your reply. Following are some code snippets:

First of all I have this Domain Service with an action buscarTransacao that
shows an parameter screen. It works fine.

My goal is call a method like this:

manager.InvokeAction("Doenca","create") ;

And the action be called showing a parameter screen. I tried to do this by
injecting Doencas into Transacoes and calling it directly but It bypasses
parameter screen.

Could you help me solving this issue?


@DomainService(nature = NatureOfService.VIEW_MENU_ONLY)


named = "Transações",

        menuBar = DomainServiceLayout.MenuBar.PRIMARY,

        menuOrder = "1"


public class Transacoes {

    @Action(semantics = SemanticsOf.SAFE)

    @ActionLayout(bookmarking = BookmarkPolicy.AS_ROOT, named="Buscar

    @MemberOrder(sequence = "1.1")

    public void buscarTransacao(

        final @ParameterLayout(named="Transação") String tr) {

    //Code here

              manager.InvokeAction("Doenca","create") ;




I have another Domain Service I intend to be called only programmatically.
It works fine too.


@DomainService(nature = NatureOfService.VIEW_MENU_ONLY,repositoryFor =


named = "Dados Mestres",

        menuBar = DomainServiceLayout.MenuBar.PRIMARY,

        menuOrder = "10.3"


public class Doencas {

    public TranslatableString title() {

        return TranslatableString.tr("Doenças");


    @Action(semantics = SemanticsOf.SAFE)

    @ActionLayout(bookmarking = BookmarkPolicy.AS_ROOT, named="Doenças")

    @MemberOrder(sequence = "1")

    public List<Doenca> listAll() {

        return repositoryService.allInstances(Doenca.class);


    @Action(semantics = SemanticsOf.SAFE)

    @ActionLayout(bookmarking = BookmarkPolicy.AS_ROOT)

    @MemberOrder(sequence = "2")

    public Doenca create(

    final @ParameterLayout(named="CID") String cid,

        final @ParameterLayout(named="Descrição") String descricao) {

        final Doenca obj = repositoryService.instantiate(Doenca.class);




        return obj;



    RepositoryService repositoryService;



2016-06-15 13:14 GMT-03:00 Jeroen van der Wal <jer...@stromboli.it>:

> Perhaps you can specify your question with some (pseudo) code?
> On 15 June 2016 at 16:41, Fabio Purcino <fa...@viacodigo.com.br> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Is it possible to invoke an action programmatically from another action?
> >
> > The called action has parameters and I'd like to show the same screen as
> I
> > click on the service menu.
> >
> > Thanks and best Regards,
> >
> > --
> > ------------------------------------------------------------
> > Fábio Purcino Aragão
> >

Fábio Purcino Aragão

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