Hi all.

I’ve just created a Jira ticket [1] and a PR at [2] that allows to define a 
Factory Method this way:

class Concert {

    public Concert someAction() {
        return new Concert();

Factory Methods cannot return void, but no other restriction has been applied 
by now (i.e., should we limit it to Domain Entities? ).

Further work should be done at the UI level. 
As a workflow example:
- When executing an Action, add a drop-down menu to show all Factory Methods 
whose returned class is assignable from the param’s class. 
- When clicked, launch the action’s modal dialog, overlapping the original 
action invocation dialog.
- When returning from the factory method invocation to the original action 
invocation dialog, if the factory method’s action :
        - has been successfully executed, the returned object should be the 
param’s currently selected value.
        - has been cancelled, the param’s currently selected value is not 



[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ISIS-1509
[2] https://github.com/apache/isis/pull/55/files


> El 30 sept 2016, a las 5:07, David Tildesley <davo...@yahoo.co.nz.INVALID> 
> escribió:
> Hi All,
> Imho:
> Putting the "don't do CRUD" principle spin on this: Isn't it just a matter of 
> allowing a "Concert" component (I call it component since it will have 
> several objects that are associated with the primary moment-interval) 
> instance to be "built up" until it can be "published"? All you need is a 
> "canPublish()" method returning a boolean that does all the necessary checks 
> to ensure all the required bits and bobs are in place before "publishing" it 
> (for want of a better term). Why are you wanting to create a rod for you own 
> back by having database constraints to enforce business logic when you can 
> enforce the constraints in logic in your code with more flexibility? I may be 
> wrong, but I think the Naked Object model would force you take this approach 
> because you are only allowed to "see" domain objects in the viewer. Use of 
> view models will tend to take you in the other direction - caution needed. 
> Conflating "view" aspects with "domain" aspects will make the situation worse.
> Next make sure you have firmly in your mind the separation of UI concerns 
> from domain layer concerns - don't conflate them. If you need to create some 
> view models to build aggregate forms or a wizard - because that is what your 
> users demand  just remember the separation of concerns principle - view 
> models are UI, not domain layer and they will tend to cause you to compromise 
> the domain layer/model if you are not fastidious about this.
> By the way, it is next to impossible to have this discussion without a proper 
> domain model available - if there is no domain model available then you are 
> already traveling an unsound path.
> Regards,
> David.
> On 30-Sep-16 12:37 PM, Stephen Cameron wrote:
>> Hi Martin,
>> Just a few thoughts in response inline.
>> On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 12:51 AM, Martin <mwhesse+apachem...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks all for your replies and your input.
>>> The DDD book was actually one of the books I bought many years ago and
>>> enjoyed reading a lot. I still recommend it to friends and colleagues.
>> :) Which probably led you to trying Apache Isis?
>>> I gave Stephens idea a second thought and tried out this approach today.
>>> For the association of more complex objects, like let's say a
>>> ConcertLocation which cannot be created from within the Concert dialogue
>>> there is a Fixture creating a dummy placeholder ConcertLocation object,
>>> which can be selected instead, and the Concert entity has an action to
>>> create a new ConcertLocation, so that things can be corrected after
>>> creation.
>> I'm don't think this is the best approach to take, if a Concert must have a
>> concert location then offer the user two options in the Concert dialogue, a
>> list of existing ConcertLocations and a String parameter to (at least) name
>> a new one if the one of interest does not pre-exist. A validate method for
>> the create action can check that one of these but not both is
>> selected/filled. That was Dan's suggestion I think.
>> If the problem is that there are so many mandatory properties for a Concert
>> the Concert 'create' action gets to become a big list of parameters, and
>> one that is confusing to 'naive' users, which I don't Apache Isis being a
>> good fit for anyway. There might be a case for designing a ConcertBuilder
>> domain class, this is just used to collect data for then creating a new
>> valid Concert. Such a ConcertBuilder could be a state-machine maybe, it has
>> a series of Actions that are enabled or disabled based on current state?
>>> I will still have to come up with a way to highlight/color fields that
>>> reference placeholder objects (identified by name or by a flag) to make it
>>> clear in the UI that something still needs to be done. This does the trick
>>> for a few cases where there the next level object only has trivial
>>> properties or associations to already existing objects.
>>> To address how to draw attention of the users to replacing placeholders
>>> with real objects a possible approach would be to have special query for
>>> the placeholder objects to see which other objects reference them, maybe
>>> thus proposing a set of ToDos/problems to the user on the dashboard that
>>> need to be addressed. Such as: there are currently three concerts
>>> referencing the dummy/placeholder location, please go look at them and
>>> correct that. One could probably construct a business rule from that to
>>> check for overall validity of an object tree. If any of the referenced
>>> objects in the tree is a placeholder, then the path is invalid.
>> There is a incode Notes module [2] that I think could be of value, this
>> could be used in the 'create' action to attach a note to the concert saying
>> that a new ConcertLocation has been created that might need further
>> validation. Maybe by a data-quality person. I am using this module.
>>> I was thinking about the distinction between static and dynamic data. There
>>> are certainly cases when a user should not be allowed to add a new entity
>>> to a collection, but then again I can also think about times when the data
>>> structures that are being transferred from the real world into the system
>>> by a user can be very complex and diverse by nature, and referenced objects
>>> just cannot be pre-created or pre-thought of (example: a very complex
>>> contract, or for instance a data structure that requires collaboration to
>>> establish, and things just don't come in in the order that would be
>>> required by the domain model to allow for validity and referential
>>> integrity at all time, so that you need to create "proxy" objects as
>>> placeholders).
>> I think my distinction is misunderstood, if something complex is modelled
>> in the domain model it's inherently part of the model, the source of the
>> data is irrelevant. Maybe static vs dynamic is the wrong wording, perhaps
>> its best to think of the model as having a boundary (models are by
>> definition simplifications), and some things outside the boundary are still
>> of interest but are represented inside the model just by identifiers. [In
>> my ideal world more detail on such things could be resolved in real time
>> via a web-services, hypermedia essentially, so the boundary is not that
>> distinct].
>> I'm now trying to think of ways to improve performance of my app, I'll look
>> at caching, this distinction seems useful here too, things that are dynamic
>> aren't good candidates for caching whereas things that are static are. This
>> might be a first pass caching strategy, then there might be specific
>> dynamic objects that are accessed by lots of users, but to cache them needs
>> more logic.
>> I found an issue in my app that presenting a list of choices to the user
>> was very slow, as I assume Apache Isis was building all the complete
>> objects, essentially just to be able to create the title of each to show in
>> the UI. So to get around this I created an "ParticipantIdentity" ViewModel
>> class (based on a database view) that just has the title and primary key
>> integer as properties, it is used in the 'choices' method for the
>> "Participant" action parameter, and once a choice has been made the action
>> resolves just one real Participant object to use.
>>> I would also be very curious to see a quick code example from Oscar, since
>>> that seems to address my issue/request very well, and an annotation would
>>> give the opportunity to make a case by case decision on when to allow this
>>> in the domain and when not.
>>> Thanks and regards,
>>> Martin
>>> On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 4:24 PM, Dan Haywood <d...@haywood-associates.co.uk
>>> wrote:
>>>> could you sketch a quick code example, eg with Martin's original Concert
>>>> example... guess I'm being dumb, but I don't quite get it.
>>>> thx
>>>> Dan
>>>> On 29 September 2016 at 09:20, Óscar Bou - GOVERTIS <o....@govertis.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi, Dan.
>>>>> In our case it’s a top level annotation with any params.
>>>>> But probably on Isis it should be part of the @Action annotation.
>>>>> Important here is that, despite seeming that factory methods should have
>>>>> always “non-idempotent” semantics, if before creating the new instance,
>>> you
>>>>> verify it does not previously exists in the database and not create
>>> (only
>>>>> update) if so - an UPSERT operation - it would become an idempotent
>>> factory
>>>>> method.
>>>>> So we cannot infer from being a factory method that it’s an idempotent
>>> or
>>>>> non-idempotent action.
>>>>> We usually prefer non-idempotent actions as factory methods, but we have
>>>>> also some actions being both an idempotent and factory methods.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Oscar
>>>>> El 28 sept 2016, a las 20:56, Dan Haywood <d...@haywood-associates.co.uk
>>>>> escribió:
>>>>> Hi Oscar,
>>>>> thanks for this.  Could you sketch out what that might look like in
>>> terms
>>>>> of (an extension to) Isis' annotations?
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Dan
>>>>> On 28 September 2016 at 18:24, Óscar Bou - GOVERTIS <o....@govertis.com
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> In our custom viewer, we have a specific annotation to identify Factory
>>>>>> Methods.
>>>>>> We infer from the returned type the associated class they are able to
>>>>>> instantiate.
>>>>>> That way, we can draw a drop-down menu associated with a button,
>>> present
>>>>>> in any param requiring an entity of that class.
>>>>>> When a factory method menu is selected, the modal dialog associated
>>> with
>>>>>> that factory method action is shown, and if executed successfully,
>>> when the
>>>>>> modal dialog closes, the params combos are refreshed (if not
>>> dinamically
>>>>>> loaded at drop down).
>>>>>> I think that’s Martin’s initial requirement.
>>>>>> It’s also a quite generic solution.
>>>>>> HTH,
>>>>>> Oscar
>>>>>> El 28 sept 2016, a las 16:02, Stephen Cameron <
>>>>>> steve.cameron...@gmail.com> escribió:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I'll briefly give my experiences, but first I have to admit that I've
>>>>>> need
>>>>>> to break some old habits, but I am still learning. I think the best way
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> think about Isis is in the OO manner of object methods being messages,
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> in triggering an action you are telling the object to do something, by
>>>>>> passing a message. Do have a look at Estatio as a complex Isis
>>>>>> Application,
>>>>>> lots of action (buttons) used in places where they are most
>>>>>> useful/logical/intuitive.
>>>>>> My current idea on developing with Isis is to forget about the UI
>>>>>> initially, and instead focus on creating fixtures and integration
>>> tests.
>>>>>> My 'messages' start out as XML data and then this gets parsed into the
>>>>>> domain model in the fixtures, and the integration test is simply
>>> checking
>>>>>> that what was in the XML hierarchical structure is now in Java objects
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> hence the database.
>>>>>> This is not a proven approach, but it does seem to me to have promise
>>> as
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> good way to build a solid foundation. The general test-driven approach
>>> is
>>>>>> what most would recommend, but my angle is that the system UI will
>>> evolve
>>>>>> easily from this evolving domain model foundation, as your
>>> understanding
>>>>>> increases, in an agile way. I can explain this in more detail if you
>>> are
>>>>>> interested to try it.
>>>>>> I've added some comments inline below
>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 10:00 PM, Martin <mwhesse+apachem...@gmail.com
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks for your replies.
>>>>>> You are right Dan, if the location was a more complex structure than
>>>>>> just a
>>>>>> string this would of course clutter up the create dialogue of the
>>>>>> concert.
>>>>>> Stephen: that's an interesting approach. Let's say the user creates a
>>>>>> concert and leaves the location empty. Then per se this is a valid
>>>>>> business
>>>>>> object (even though one attribute is missing). How would one go about
>>>>>> reminding/obliging the user to complete/finalize the object by going
>>> back
>>>>>> to the concert entity page to update/create a location?
>>>>>> I struggled with this issue initially, but the answer is that you
>>> collect
>>>>>> all the mandatory requirements in one hit to create a valid object.
>>> Then
>>>>>> when DataNucleus creates the database record all the non-null 'columns'
>>>>>> are
>>>>>> filled.  You can end up with a big list of requirements in some cases,
>>>>>> but
>>>>>> for me this eventually became a regular pattern in the UI anyway. I
>>>>>> provide
>>>>>> 'Update' actions for big fieldsets with the UI, these allow you to edit
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> set as a group of properties. There is quite a bit of coding to do
>>> this,
>>>>>> and when you are used to HTML forms it seems silly to have to do it at
>>>>>> first, but it once its done its easy to test and maintain, that is the
>>>>>> Apache Isis payback IMO. For users this approach is kind of like a
>>>>>> workflow, just traverse a new object clicking all the Update buttons in
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> fieldset name panels. Tabs made this even more so.
>>>>>> A few more thoughts on the topic:
>>>>>> Inline creation of referenced entities from within a create dialogue in
>>>>>> my
>>>>>> mind is a great way to streamline the usage of the any application,
>>>>>> because
>>>>>> otherwise the user would have to remember what he has to do in which
>>>>>> order.
>>>>>> For instance: before creating an entity A, he would have to know
>>> whether
>>>>>> all the non trivial / referenced entities of that entity A are already
>>> in
>>>>>> the database, or he would have to go and look it up.
>>>>>> If A only references one other entity this approach may seem pretty
>>> easy,
>>>>>> but let's say A references 3 or 4 or 5 other entities, then this
>>> becomes
>>>>>> less straight forward.
>>>>>> When this is likely I have two actions, usually for collections, an
>>> 'Add'
>>>>>> and an 'Add New' action. The Add will have a single parameter with list
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> existing entities, the Add New will collect the required property
>>> values
>>>>>> for a valid new entity. The Add New just passes the values to an
>>> injected
>>>>>> domain service to create the new object.
>>>>>> I also suggest that the bookmarks in Isis are really useful to users,
>>> its
>>>>>> not a big deal to skip off to another object and then come back to one
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> were recently at via the bookmarks.  I think this would be something
>>> from
>>>>>> the Naked Objects heritage of Isis, where multiple objects where
>>> visible.
>>>>>> I also read another post the other day asking whether the framework
>>>>>> supports workflows. As far as I can tell a lot (most?) of the workflows
>>>>>> out
>>>>>> there actually handle just that: offering the user the choice to select
>>>>>> an
>>>>>> existing item or to create a new one and then continue with the next
>>>>>> step,
>>>>>> thus aggregating a complex data structure little by little and most
>>>>>> importantly taking away from the user the burden of having to know too
>>>>>> much
>>>>>> about which data already exists in the model.
>>>>>> I think offering the capability of creating entities from within the
>>>>>> create
>>>>>> dialogue in Apache Isis would already tackle a great portion of
>>> existing
>>>>>> requirements for anything resembling a workflow at much smaller costs
>>>>>> than
>>>>>> introducing a complete new workflow system.
>>>>>> There is a workflow module part done, but interest in it doesn't seem
>>>>>> sufficient to finish it off (?), which is evidence in support of your
>>>>>> hypothesis. Workflows have their place, but to my mind using OO
>>>>>> programming
>>>>>> is not an big advantage in that place, so use something other than
>>> Apache
>>>>>> Isis.
>>>>>> In the last days have caught myself thinking about how my design of the
>>>>>> domain model would affect the usability of the application, especially
>>>>>> since I was taking into account the order in which things would have to
>>>>>> be
>>>>>> done when the domain model gets more complex, just because of the fact
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> one has to currently make sure certain things have to exist before
>>> others
>>>>>> (or as a matter of fast having to cancel a "create" action and go
>>>>>> somewhere
>>>>>> else and come back, which could be frustrating too). From a purely
>>>>>> theoretical perspective a domain model should be free from such
>>>>>> influences.
>>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>>> The bookmarks comment is relevant.
>>>>>> Read up on Evans's 'Domain Driven Design' is my strong suggestion, if
>>>>>> users
>>>>>> understand the domain design in terms of familiar class names,
>>>>>> relationships, action names, then you are most of the way home.
>>>>>> My thinking is that there are two kinds of data, static and dynamic,
>>> the
>>>>>> static is a pretty constant and unchanging set and you usually want to
>>>>>> control how new objects get created otherwise you can end up with messy
>>>>>> data ("I couldn't see it in the list so I created another one"). [Dan's
>>>>>> 'findOrCreate(String name)' approach is one simple solution, but if you
>>>>>> want to enforce referential integrity at the database level but not
>>> have
>>>>>> everything appear as an object link, it gets a bit more complex I
>>> found,
>>>>>> see derived properties]
>>>>>> In contrast dynamic is something that changes frequently (new members
>>>>>> added
>>>>>> to set, property values inserted or updated, new children added). Most
>>>>>> domain models IMO are like this, things inside the domain that are
>>>>>> complex
>>>>>> and dynamic, things outside the domain, relatively static, beyond our
>>>>>> control but still of interest, and often represented inside the domain
>>>>>> model just by identifiers or names [In an ideal world such data would
>>>>>> just
>>>>>> be all be provided by web-services, such as envisaged in the semantic
>>>>>> web]
>>>>>> I hope this is helpful. Just browsing the documentation from
>>>>>> cover-to-cover
>>>>>> before coding is also a good idea, there is alot to learn about, thanks
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> Dan and others.
>>>>>> Thx,
>>>>>> Martin
>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 6:11 PM, Dan Haywood <
>>>>>> d...@haywood-associates.co.uk
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks for these ideas, Steve.
>>>>>> Which in turn reminds me... we have an existing module for modelling
>>>>>> communication channels [1] that could be used/forked as the basis for
>>>>>> handling locations.  (If you want all the gmap location stuff, that
>>> is).
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>> [1] https://github.com/incodehq/incode-module-commchannel
>>>>>> On 28 September 2016 at 11:48, Stephen Cameron <
>>>>>> steve.cameron...@gmail.com
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Another option to try, assuming that the Concert has been created
>>>>>> already,
>>>>>> is to have an action on, or contributed to, the Concert that allows
>>>>>> creation of a new ConcertLocation. Then the user can either set the
>>>>>> concert
>>>>>> location by choosing an existing location from the pick list, or by
>>>>>> creating an new one via the action. The location property and the
>>>>>> action
>>>>>> can be associated via the layout.xml or annotation means.
>>>>>> I use another alternative, which is more complex, for setting activity
>>>>>> addresses, which is to have 'named' addresses, these are addresses used
>>>>>> often for different activities. So the 'Update Address' action has a
>>>>>> picklist of existing named addresses, or you can create a new address
>>>>>> by
>>>>>> filling in street1, street2, suburb. But if you give that new address a
>>>>>> name as well (e.g XYZ Community Hall) it becomes a new named address.
>>>>>> So the Update Address action has 5 parameters, a list of existing named
>>>>>> addresses, a name for a new address, street1,street2, a list of
>>>>>> suburbs.
>>>>>> On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 7:48 PM, Dan Haywood <
>>>>>> d...@haywood-associates.co.uk
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Martin,
>>>>>> This requirement has only come up infrequently so far, not
>>>>>> sufficiently
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> build a particular widget or programming model for it.
>>>>>> Where we have required it, we've simply provided two optional
>>>>>> parameters,
>>>>>> one listing the existing objects, the other for the name of a new
>>>>>> object.
>>>>>> (This assumes that a single string is sufficient to create said new
>>>>>> object).
>>>>>> public Concert create(@Nullable ConcertLocation
>>>>>> existingConcertLocation, @Nullable String newConcertLocationName,
>>>>>> String
>>>>>> concertName) {
>>>>>>    ConcertLocation concertLocation =
>>>>>>        existingConcertLocation != null
>>>>>>         ? existingConcertLocation
>>>>>>         : concertLocationRepository.findOrCreate(
>>>>>> newConcertLocationNam
>>>>>> e);
>>>>>>    return concertRepository.create(concertName, concertLocation);
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> public String validateCreate(ConcertLocation existingConcertLocation,
>>>>>> String newConcertLocationName, String concertName) {
>>>>>>    if (existingConcertLocation == null && newConcertLocationName ==
>>>>>> null)
>>>>>> return "Specify either an existing location or the name of a new
>>>>>> one";
>>>>>>    if (existingConcertLocation != null && newConcertLocationName !=
>>>>>> null)
>>>>>> return "Specify either an existing location or the name of a new
>>>>>> one";
>>>>>>    return null;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> However, that has the side effect of cluttering up the common use
>>>>>> case
>>>>>> (new
>>>>>> Concert in an existing ConcertLocation), so I don't know if it's
>>>>>> worth
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> effort.  My recommendation would simply be to treat the creation of
>>>>>> concert
>>>>>> locations and of new concerts independently.
>>>>>> HTH
>>>>>> Dan
>>>>>> On 28 September 2016 at 09:32, Martin <mwhesse+apachem...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Let's say we have an entity Concert and an entity ConcertLocation
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> model is such that a Concert would reference a ConcertLocation
>>>>>> (shared
>>>>>> ManyToOne association).
>>>>>> In a create dialogue for the Concert entity I would like to offer
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> possibility to create a new ConcertLocation item if the desired
>>>>>> location
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> not found in the dropdown or select box.
>>>>>> This could for instance be by displaying a "create new location"
>>>>>> icon
>>>>>> next
>>>>>> to the dropdown box for locations or anything else, which would
>>>>>> then
>>>>>> open
>>>>>> another modal on top of the create dialogue to create that
>>>>>> new ConcertLocation.
>>>>>> Once the new ConcertLocation has been created it should then appear
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> list of available locations in the Concert create dialogue.
>>>>>> How would I go about this in Apache Isis?
>>>>>> I haven't found anything of the kind in the kitchen sink or the
>>>>>> todo
>>>>>> app
>>>>>> or
>>>>>> any other examples available.
>>>>>> Thanks and regards,
>>>>>> Martin
>>>>>> Óscar Bou Bou
>>>>>> Socio - IT & GRC Management Services Director
>>>>>> m: +34 620 267 520
>>>>>> s:  <http://www.govertis.com/>www.govertis.com e: o....@govertis.com
>>>>>> LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/oscarbou
>>>>>> Twitter:  @oscarbou <https://twitter.com/oscarbou>
>>>>>> Este mensaje y los ficheros anexos son confidenciales. Los mismos
>>>>>> contienen información reservada que no puede ser difundida. Si usted ha
>>>>>> recibido este correo por error, tenga la amabilidad de eliminarlo de su
>>>>>> sistema y avisar al remitente mediante reenvío a su dirección
>>> electrónica;
>>>>>> no deberá copiar el mensaje ni divulgar su contenido a ninguna persona.
>>>>>> Su dirección de correo electrónico junto a sus datos personales constan
>>>>>> en un fichero titularidad de GOVERTIS ADVISORY SERVICES, S.L. cuya
>>>>>> finalidad es la de mantener el contacto con Ud. Si quiere saber de qué
>>>>>> información disponemos de Ud., modificarla, y en su caso, cancelarla,
>>> puede
>>>>>> hacerlo enviando un escrito al efecto, acompañado de una fotocopia de
>>> su
>>>>>> D.N.I. a la siguiente dirección: GOVERTIS ADVISORY SERVICES, S.L. Avda
>>>>>> Cortes Valencianas, 58 – 8º - 6ª. 46015 - Valencia,  y Paseo de la
>>>>>> Castellana, 153, 28045 - MADRID. Asimismo, es su responsabilidad
>>> comprobar
>>>>>> que este mensaje o sus archivos adjuntos no contengan virus
>>> informáticos, y
>>>>>> en caso que los tuvieran eliminarlos.
>>>>> Óscar Bou Bou
>>>>> Socio - IT & GRC Management Services Director
>>>>> m: +34 620 267 520
>>>>> s:  <http://www.govertis.com>www.govertis.com e: o....@govertis.com
>>>>> LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/oscarbou
>>>>> Twitter:  @oscarbou <https://twitter.com/oscarbou>
>>>>> Este mensaje y los ficheros anexos son confidenciales. Los mismos
>>>>> contienen información reservada que no puede ser difundida. Si usted ha
>>>>> recibido este correo por error, tenga la amabilidad de eliminarlo de su
>>>>> sistema y avisar al remitente mediante reenvío a su dirección
>>> electrónica;
>>>>> no deberá copiar el mensaje ni divulgar su contenido a ninguna persona.
>>>>> Su dirección de correo electrónico junto a sus datos personales constan
>>>>> en un fichero titularidad de GOVERTIS ADVISORY SERVICES, S.L. cuya
>>>>> finalidad es la de mantener el contacto con Ud. Si quiere saber de qué
>>>>> información disponemos de Ud., modificarla, y en su caso, cancelarla,
>>> puede
>>>>> hacerlo enviando un escrito al efecto, acompañado de una fotocopia de su
>>>>> D.N.I. a la siguiente dirección: GOVERTIS ADVISORY SERVICES, S.L. Avda
>>>>> Cortes Valencianas, 58 – 8º - 6ª. 46015 - Valencia,  y Paseo de la
>>>>> Castellana, 153, 28045 - MADRID. Asimismo, es su responsabilidad
>>> comprobar
>>>>> que este mensaje o sus archivos adjuntos no contengan virus
>>> informáticos, y
>>>>> en caso que los tuvieran eliminarlos.

Óscar Bou Bou
Socio - IT & GRC Management Services Director
m: +34 620 267 520
s:  <http://www.govertis.com/>www.govertis.com <http://www.govertis.com/> e: 
o....@govertis.com <mailto:o....@govertis.com>

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/oscarbou 
Twitter:        @oscarbou <https://twitter.com/oscarbou>

Este mensaje y los ficheros anexos son confidenciales. Los mismos contienen 
información reservada que no puede ser difundida. Si usted ha recibido este 
correo por error, tenga la amabilidad de eliminarlo de su sistema y avisar al 
remitente mediante reenvío a su dirección electrónica; no deberá copiar el 
mensaje ni divulgar su contenido a ninguna persona.

Su dirección de correo electrónico junto a sus datos personales constan en un 
fichero titularidad de GOVERTIS ADVISORY SERVICES, S.L. cuya finalidad es la de 
mantener el contacto con Ud. Si quiere saber de qué información disponemos de 
Ud., modificarla, y en su caso, cancelarla, puede hacerlo enviando un escrito 
al efecto, acompañado de una fotocopia de su D.N.I. a la siguiente dirección: 
GOVERTIS ADVISORY SERVICES, S.L. Avda Cortes Valencianas, 58 – 8º - 6ª. 46015 - 
Valencia,  y Paseo de la Castellana, 153, 28045 - MADRID. Asimismo, es su 
responsabilidad comprobar que este mensaje o sus archivos adjuntos no contengan 
virus informáticos, y en caso que los tuvieran eliminarlos.

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