On a side note: I was looking at how to hide an empty heading of a property
group panel the other day (no name set, no actions in heading). I was
unsure whether or how I should contribute that, but I found that in certain
cases a fieldset didn't need a name and an empty heading just looked a bit
strange. Let me know if you would want to create an issue for this first,
if you're interested.
I didn't try to hide it with css though, only thought about this
afterwards. So unsure whether that should be a feature or not. Any comments
>From what I recall when looking at the markup it didn't look like the
heading itself was easily selectable.

On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 7:10 PM, Martin Hesse <mwhe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Great idea! Should we then also add a property "displayViewSelector" to
> control whether the dropdown is to be shown on the fieldset? Otherwise it
> could congest the overall presentation of the UI a bit if the layout
> contains a lot of fieldsets. In case the "displayViewSelector" expression
> is false the view should then be "open" and the "defaultView" property
> ignored. This could also be an improvement of the table layout/component,
> for cases where the view selector is not needed there either. WDYT?
> Martin
> On Fri, Apr 14, 2017 at 5:52 PM, Dan Haywood <d...@haywood-associates.co.uk
> > wrote:
>> Hi Hector,
>> Thanks for uploading that image ... a picture tells a thousand words.
>> To implement your requirements, I could imagine the <fieldset> element
>> having an additional attribute, say "defaultView" (similar to the
>> <collection> element / @CollectionLayout annotation), which might default
>> to "open" but also support "hide".  This corresponds to
>> the org.apache.isis.applib.layout.component.FieldSet class.
>> In the UI, this corresponds to the org.apache.isis.viewer.wic
>> ket.ui.components.entity.fieldset.PropertyGroup class, which is passed
>> the FieldSet into its constructor (by way of its Wicket model).  So it
>> looks like this PropertyGroup component could quite easily be made a little
>> more sophisticated to have a drop-down.
>> Do you fancy delving in to see if you can get a spike working (with a
>> view to incorporating this functionality into a future version of the
>> framework)?  Martin Grigorov is our Wicket expert, and he is usually very
>> prompt at answering any Wicket-specific questions.
>> HTH
>> Dan
>> On Sat, 8 Apr 2017 at 23:26 Hector Fabio Meza <
>> hector.m...@smartools.com.co> wrote:
>>> Thanks for your quick response, Dan.
>>> What I already have is this: http://picpaste.com/pics/Captu
>>> ra-3YyASQhp.1491690059.JPG
>>> It's a ViewModel with a table that can contain a lot of rows, and a
>>> group of fields that act as filters for the table. The fields can sometimes
>>> use up a lot of the screen, so I was wondering if the same component that
>>> allows to hide the table could be used to make the zone highlighted in blue
>>> collapsible, in order to show it only when the user wants to use it.
>>> I also found this, https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ISIS-1031,
>>> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ISIS-1031%20>which could be an
>>> alternative, but replacing the table component sounds more difficult than
>>> using a hide button.
>>> El 2017-04-08 10:39, Dan Haywood escribió:
>>> Could you do a sketch of the sort of User interface that you are after?
>>> On Sat, 8 Apr 2017, 16:31 Hector Fabio Meza, <
>>> hector.m...@smartools.com.co> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have a ViewModel that includes a set of fields and a table. The table
>>>> has the default button that allows to change the view and hide the table,
>>>> but I have the requirement of replicating this behavior for the set of
>>>> fields.
>>>> Is this possible? I imagine I'll have to delve into the WicketViewer
>>>> classes, are there any hints or tips for this?
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> --
>>>> *Hector Fabio Meza*
>>>> *R&D Lead smartools*
>>>> (57) 300 2254455 <%2857%29%20300%206815404>
>>>> Skype: hectorf.meza
>>>> www.smartools.com.co
>>> --
>>> *Hector Fabio Meza*
>>> *R&D Lead smartools*
>>> (57) 300 2254455 <%2857%29%20300%206815404>
>>> Skype: hectorf.meza
>>> www.smartools.com.co

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