On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 23:24, ChadDavis <chadmichaelda...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1) Performance ?  Is there any difference in performance?

No, they all use the same lucene index under the hood, ie. they all
get transformed into a lucene index query.

> 2) Ease of use . . . is there any sense that the ease of use varies among 
> them?

Well, that depends on personal choice. I think that Xpath is a very
good fit for tree structures (and that's why I think it's sad that it
became deprecated in JCR 2.0, albeit it will live on in Jackrabbit).

> 3) Functionality . . . are there any differences in functionality?

JCR-SQL2 / JCR-JQOM in JCR 2.0 most notably support joins, which is
not possible with the older xpath and sql.

> 4) Other differentiating factors ?  Are there any other reasons to
> consider when making a selection from the four?  I would assume
> developer familiarity is a obvious one, others?

I think 2) and 3) are the ones that should drive your decision.


Alexander Klimetschek

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