Hi all

I just wanted to let you all know some interesting news: Magnolia 5.0 has been released, with a new Apps approach and a new Vaadin-based UI.

More details in the community announcement below.



Magnolia CMS 5.0 Released: Integrate Online Channels with Apps

Magnolia CMS 5.0, the latest release of the Java-based open source content management system, helps enterprises develop and deploy solutions for integrating online channels - from Web to mobile and social media to Smart TV. It brings the smartphone app idiom to the enterprise, providing tools to build task-focused, easy-to-use Apps tailored to the exact needs of users.

The App development platform included with Magnolia 5.0 is standards-compliant with HTML5 and based on the Vaadin web application framework. Developers can use this platform to create new custom Apps without worrying about browser compatibility, mobile touch event support or CSRF protection. Other opportunities for integration and customization can be found in 'The Pulse', an extensible real-time monitoring system, and Favorites, a system for workspace customization.

Magnolia 5.0 also includes CMIS and WebDAV integration, support for Dublin Core metadata and open source modules for the Spring Java Framework, Groovy and Ruby, along with well documented open APIs. To read more about the new features, try the online demo, and get the latest release, visit http://community.magnolia-cms.com/5-rocks

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