Hi again,

here's a question about jcr:path in queries.

Consider the following query:

SELECT base.[jcr:path], content.[jcr:lastModified], content.[jcr:lastModifiedBy] FROM [nt:base] as base LEFT OUTER JOIN [nt:resource] as content ON ISCHILDNODE(content, base) WHERE ((base.[jcr:primaryType] = 'nt:file' OR base.[jcr:primaryType] = 'nt:folder') AND ISCHILDNODE(base, ['/some/path']))

How come that base.[jcr:path] is always null? I read somewhere on the web that jcr:path is a time-intensive calculation and that the field can be omitted. Can I force the query to calculate the path?

The whole point of this is a performance optimiziation. As NodeIterator is slow and the query is fast I wanted to operate on paths only. Sadly, I can now get anything very fast, but the most important thing - the path.

So, is there a way to retrieve the paths when you have a query with joins? Or will I really have to call row.getPath("<selector>") which slows everything down again.

Best regards,

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