I'm not sure but on some places it is stated that by default Glassfish has
not transaction timeout for
EJB:s. If that still is true then maybe you could try to set a transaction
timeout for the EJB that is
fetching the files to see if
1. The Jackrabbit session/connection is closed when the transaction timeouts
2. Try to figure out why the transaction in your EJB isn't ended correctly

I see that you use
@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) and normally
I use TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED in EJB:s. This will make sure that
the method/methods are
included in a transaction and that a new transaction isn't started for each
method call (if you call the
methods from other EJB:s or using the sessionContext.getBusinessObject() to
invoke local methods).

But there's of course some cases where you actually want to use
and this is maybe the case with your class/method.


On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 11:19 PM, Manuel López Blasi <
lopezbl...@conicet.gov.ar> wrote:

> I have set transaction support to "Xa-Transaction" (In glassfish
> properties) ,
> i believe what i'm using is CMT, container managed transactions,
> so glassfish is in charge of handling connections and kill them,
> invalidate them or mark them as available
> once the transaction has commited.
> I discovered something interesting: when saving files everything went
> smooth,
> save thousands with no problem, seeing in glassfish monitoring console how
> many hundred
> of connections are created, used, and disposed within seconds. Absolutely
> no errors.
> But when i get stuff from the repository, that's when connections begin to
> get leaked.
> That's make me think that since there's no transaction commited the
> connection stays open.
> I tried to retrieve files from jackrabbit outside of a transactional
> context and inside too, with no luck, same
> PoolingException / out of connections error.
> My service to reach jackrabbit, the place where the transactional context
> begins are annotated like this:
> @LocalBean
> @Stateless
> @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW)
> I smell that's precisely the problem: since i have
> "bindSessionToTransaction=true",
> if i try to reach repository inside or outside any transaction, doesn't
> matter, since
> there's really no commit at all, connections will stale.
> I'm going to try doing a second connection pool with
> "bindSessionToTransaction=false",
> using it only to retrieve stuff from jackrabbit.
> I'll tell you how it goes soon, thanks a lot for your responses,
> cheerz,
> Manuel.
> On 03/01/18 17:22, Pontus Amberg wrote:
>> What are you using to handle the transactions when you invoke the
>> Jackrabbit JCA connector? The reason I'm asking is that the flag
>> "bindSessionToTransaction=true" might maybe be an indication that you
>> have
>> transactions that for some reason never are committed.
>> /Pontus
>> On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 8:18 PM, Manuel López Blasi <
>> lopezbl...@conicet.gov.ar> wrote:
>> Monitoring Glassfish shows all connections are taken up ( and not freed ):
>>> NumConnUsed     32count         Jan 2, 2018 10:48:22 AM         Jan 2,
>>> 2018 3:58:20 PM Marca de Agua Máxima: 32 count
>>> Marca de Agua Mínima: 0 count
>>>          Provides connection usage statistics. The total number of
>>> connections that are currently being used, as well as information about
>>> the
>>> maximum number of connections that were used (the high water mark).
>>> All 32 connections are taken  already.
>>> On 02/01/18 15:00, Manuel López Blasi wrote:
>>> Hello, thanks for your response Pontus,
>>>> i have set a maximun of concurrent connections, 32.
>>>> I understand that i set a maximum number o
>>>> sessions/connections/transactions,
>>>> in my case on glassfish.
>>>> These is handled by the jca connector y conjunction with the glassfish
>>>> server/container.
>>>> Once this maximun is reached, should i ask for another new connection,
>>>> the connector/connection pool would wait
>>>> until one of the bussy connections is freed. There is a wait timeout
>>>> for
>>>> this, once the time is elapsed the connection pool
>>>>   would return an error message, saying that no connection is available.
>>>> It's perfectly logical.
>>>> In my case this is happening, i get an exception "Connections in use are
>>>> equal to max-pool-size value and max-wait-time has elapsed":
>>>> Caused by: com.sun.appserv.connectors.internal.api.PoolingException:
>>>> Las
>>>> conexiones en uso equivalen al valor de max-pool-size y el tiempo
>>>> caducado
>>>> de max-wait-time. No se pueden asignar m?s conexiones.
>>>>      at com.sun.enterprise.resource.pool.ConnectionPool.getResource(
>>>> ConnectionPool.java:418)
>>>>      at com.sun.enterprise.resource.pool.PoolManagerImpl.getResource
>>>> FromPool(PoolManagerImpl.java:245)
>>>>      at com.sun.enterprise.resource.pool.PoolManagerImpl.getResource
>>>> (PoolManagerImpl.java:170)
>>>>      at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectionManagerImpl.getResou
>>>> rce(ConnectionManagerImpl.java:332)
>>>>      at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectionManagerImpl.internal
>>>> GetConnection(ConnectionManagerImpl.java:301)
>>>>      at com.|#]
>>>> [#|2018-01-02T14:23:20.456-0300|SEVERE|glassfish3.1.2|javax.
>>>> enterprise.system.std.com.sun.enterprise.server.logging|_
>>>> ThreadID=409;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|sun.enterprise.
>>>> connectors.ConnectionManagerImpl.allocateConnection(Connecti
>>>> onManagerImpl.java:190)
>>>>      at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectionManagerImpl.allocate
>>>> Connection(ConnectionManagerImpl.java:165)
>>>>      at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectionManagerImpl.allocate
>>>> Connection(ConnectionManagerImpl.java:160)
>>>>      at org.apache.jackrabbit.jca.JCARepositoryHandle.login(JCARepos
>>>> itoryHandle.java:75)
>>>> The thing is, once i reach this state it remains the same, i can wait 10
>>>> minutes or 5 hours, when it dies, it stays that way no matter how long i
>>>> leave it "to recover connections".
>>>> The only solution is to shut down server and start it again, that way
>>>> everything works great again.
>>>> One other thing that seems strange is the fact that i can work
>>>> generating
>>>> files in number of thousands in very short time, let's say 2000 files
>>>> in 3
>>>> minutes. That may indicate
>>>> that the time settings for the connection pool are okay, i mean, i have
>>>> 1
>>>> minute of max wait time before saying there're no more free connections,
>>>> almost a thousand files can be fully
>>>> processed and saved within 1 minute.
>>>> That's what leaves me perplexed. The other thing is that mysql
>>>> connection
>>>> pools have the very same / carbon copy settings and they work ok, never
>>>> run
>>>> off connections or died this way.
>>>> I know files are way different, requires more work than db registers,
>>>> I/O
>>>> is the most time consuming and slow op of them all. Maybe within a
>>>> certain
>>>> amount of time the file caching gets
>>>> bottlenecked and that's what causes the collapse?
>>>> On 29/12/17 11:17, Pontus Amberg wrote:
>>>> Have you verified that it isn't the number of concurrent
>>>>> sessions/transactions that is causing the problem? If that is the
>>>>> problem
>>>>> you would probably only encounter it when you have approximately 33 or
>>>>> more
>>>>> file operations executing at the same time.
>>>>> /Pontus
>>>>> On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 11:28 PM, Manuel López Blasi <
>>>>> lopezbl...@conicet.gov.ar> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> i've been adding almost successfully Jackrabbit Repository to our
>>>>>> project,
>>>>>> basically for file storing purposes. Everything works great, with some
>>>>>> exceptions,
>>>>>> one which is critical, once in a while, following no apparent pattern
>>>>>> an
>>>>>> exception is thrown
>>>>>> saying the pool is out of connections, this one:
>>>>>> Caused by: com.sun.appserv.connectors.internal.api.PoolingException:
>>>>>> Las conexiones en uso equivalen al valor de max-pool-size y el tiempo
>>>>>> caducado de max-wait-time. No se pueden asignar m?s conexiones.
>>>>>> (Quantity of connections in use are same as defined max-pool-size and
>>>>>> max-wait-time already elapsed. Can't assign any more connections.)
>>>>>>       at com.sun.enterprise.resource.pool.ConnectionPool.getResource(
>>>>>> ConnectionPool.java:418)
>>>>>>       at com.sun.enterprise.resource.pool.PoolManagerImpl.getResource
>>>>>> FromPool(PoolManagerImpl.java:245)
>>>>>>       at com.sun.enterprise.resource.pool.PoolManagerImpl.getResource
>>>>>> (PoolManagerImpl.java:170)
>>>>>>       at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectionManagerImpl.getResou
>>>>>> rce(ConnectionManagerImpl.java:332)
>>>>>>       at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectionManagerImpl.internal
>>>>>> GetConnection(ConnectionManagerImpl.java:301)
>>>>>>       at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectionManagerImpl.allocate
>>>>>> Connection(ConnectionManagerImpl.java:190)
>>>>>>       at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectionManagerImpl.allocate
>>>>>> Connection(ConnectionManagerImpl.java:165)
>>>>>>       at com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectionManagerImpl.allocate
>>>>>> Connection(ConnectionManagerImpl.java:160)
>>>>>>       at org.apache.jackrabbit.jca.JCARepositoryHandle.login(JCARepos
>>>>>> itoryHandle.java:75)
>>>>>>       ... 120 more
>>>>>> Our setup/context is the following:
>>>>>> VM: java 7 (1.7.0_101)
>>>>>> container: Glassfish
>>>>>> main framework for webapp: struts 2
>>>>>> DB (mysql) persistence manager: Hibernate 4.2.19.Final
>>>>>> Jackrabbit stuff/versions:
>>>>>> jackrabbit-core 2.14.4
>>>>>> jcr 2.0
>>>>>> OCM: jackrabbit-ocm 2.0.0
>>>>>> Connector: jackrabbit-jca-2.14.4 (This one is deployed as a connector
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> glassfish, associated with a connection pool )
>>>>>> The configuration for JCA connector is the following:
>>>>>> Connection definition: javax.jcr.Repository
>>>>>> Initial and minimum pool size: 8 Connections
>>>>>> Maximum pool size: 32 Connections
>>>>>> Switch Pool size: 2 connections
>>>>>> Activity Timeout 300  seconds
>>>>>> Max Wait Timeout: 60000  miliseconds
>>>>>> Transaction Support: XATransaction
>>>>>> Matching Connections: Yes.
>>>>>> bindSessionToTransaction: True
>>>>>> It seems to be caused randomnly, as we're able to produce and store a
>>>>>> couple thousand of files within minutes with no crashes
>>>>>> (every file is stored within a transaction and with a single Session
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> the repository). Should the pool be out of connections,
>>>>>> it should happen immediately i think (???).
>>>>>> So, if someone has any indication/clues it would be greatly
>>>>>> appreciated,
>>>>>> thanks in advance, best regards,
>>>>>> Manuel.

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