
we’d like to take “hot” filesystem snaphots of a running Jackrabbit, in order 
to spin up new instances from those filesystem copies. Our assumption is that 
we can somehow make sure the filesystem is in a consistent state before taking 
the snapshot, so we’d only need to remove the .lock files before spinning up a 
new instance (based on the snapshot). We’d like to avoid any startup delay due 
to consistency checks or any reindexing kicking in.

From what I understand, the only problem here could be the Lucene index files, 
as they may not be fully flushed to disk since the last write operation to 
Jackrabbit. Assuming that triggering of write operations has come to a full 
stop, my impression is that flushing to disk could be reliably enforced, either 
by calling SearchIndex.flush(), or simply by waiting the configured maximum 
volatileIdleTime of all workspaces?

Or is there anything else that may cause problems on using a filesystem copy of 
a running instance? Let’s assume a remote database is used, or, if it also 
stores locally like an H2 database, it properly supports the “D” in ACID ...

Thanks for any hints,

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