
On Tue, 2019-06-18 at 02:21 -0500, zhouxu wrote:
> Hello everyone:
> 1. We want to use oak's content repository (node to store MongoDB,
> data file
> to file system) and Solr search function. Other components are not
> needed
> for the time being.
> 2. We have used the API of JCR and oak to develop business code based
> on
> spring boot project. If we want to switch to sling, how do we use it?
> sling
> has already started。We don't know how to use the code in spring boot
> to call
> nodestore and Solr in sling. We hope someone can help us. Thank you
> very
> much. This problem has troubled us for a long time.

Do you want to 

a) Switch your current Spring Boot code to use Sling


b) Migrate your Spring Boot application to Sling


Anyway, you will probably get a better answer by writing to 
us...@sling.apache.org .



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