On 13/07/12 17:04, Frank Budinsky wrote:


We've noticed that this (unionDefaultGraph = true) query:

SELECT ?subject ?predicate ?object ?score
   WHERE {
     (?object ?score) <http://jena.hpl.hp.com/ARQ/property#textMatch>
"cruise" .
     ?subject ?predicate ?object .
ORDER BY Desc(?score)

runs significantly faster (i,e., 100x) than this one:

SELECT ?subject ?predicate ?object ?graph ?score
   WHERE {
     GRAPH ?graph {
       (?object ?score) <http://jena.hpl.hp.com/ARQ/property#textMatch>
"cruise" .
       ?subject ?predicate ?object .
ORDER BY Desc(?score)

Is that expected, and if so, is there another (more efficient) way of
writing such a query that also returns the graphs of the matches?

Which storage layer is this? (TDB?)
How many named graph are there? And other details of the data distribution?

Given the other report about property functions and TDB, can I assume you are using 0.9.1 or 0.9.2?

It is possible it will be slower when there are many named graphs - with GRAPH ?g and a property function ARQ may have to iterate over each named graph in order to know whether the pattern

  (?object ?score) pf:textMatch "cruise" .
  ?subject ?predicate ?object .

matches for that graph.

 (?object ?score) pf:textMatch "cruise" .
  ?subject ?predicate ?object .

on the union graph is in effect ignoring the quad field.

ARQ does not have property function support for quads, only triples.

Could it be done? yes. Basically ignoring the graph filed of the quad is possibly enough but a slightly different interface to expose the named graph field would be nicer. Then modify the property function transformation to cope with quads as well as triples and finally modify the quad transformation to work on property functions (so the transforms can be applied in either order).

Contributions of patches welcome (or other ways to make it happen).


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