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On 19/07/12 17:53, Elli Schwarz wrote:

I am attempting to write a graph stored in Fuseki out as RDF/XML, and I get a 
NullPointerException from line 199 of LangRDFXML. It looks like the variable 
errorHandler is null.

There is actually a warning that "... {W131} String not in Unicode Normal Form C: 
..." that is coming from Jena's XMLHandler, but instead of this being propagated 
back as a warning it is throwing a NullPointerException.

It seems that it isn't a fatal error, so no exception at all should be thrown, 
just a warning should be logged, so I'm guessing this is a bug?

I'm using Jena 2.7.2, ARQ 2.9.2, and I'm connecting to a Fuseki 0.2.3 back end 
(this error occurs when I do ds.getModel(modelName) where ds is a Fuseki 

Thank you!

What does the data look like?


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