The problem is Java's idea of "date" or "Calendar" is not an xsd:date - it's an xsd:dateTime.

Hence when converted to Java, you get a dateTime.

In practice, the java<->xsd mapping is a touch fraught for dates/calendars. It's a bit fragile for even numbers - whether to use xsd:int or xsd:integer when that may matter (in TDB it looses the distinction and is more value-based).

For example, in your data there is no timezone.

So it is safer to take control and make an RDF literal with carefully controlled XSD date. Your solution is the right one.

ARQ's helper code is in:


You'll see it does it's own SimpleDateFormat because the Jena datatype comes from Xerces and is value-based, which likes to make it all Z. If the lexical form matters,

See also


while there is no helper code for that (it's quite new), it is at least XSD-ish.


On 16/08/12 15:42, Robby Pelssers wrote:
I noticed that this will get the job done but does that mean there is no 
shortcut to just inject a java.util.Date and handle it properly?

parQuery.setLiteral("productStatusDate", "2012-01-03", XSDDatatype.XSDdate);


-----Original Message-----
From: Robby Pelssers []
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 4:29 PM
Subject: how to parameterize a date in a parametrized query?

Hi all,

Still having a bit of difficulty getting the sparql query to use a xs:date 
instead of xs:dateTime

In RDF we defined a productStatusDate  as follows:

I have following query and from Java  I want to filter out all products having 
a specific productStatusDate

#Query showcasing how to select typenumber and preflabel for all products
#having a specific productStatusDate
PREFIX nxp:   <>
SELECT ?typeNumber
   ?x nxp:typeNumber ?typeNumber;
        nxp:productStatusDate ?productStatusDate .

I only noticed a setLiteral for Calendar but that does not seem to get the job 

         ParameterizedSparqlString parQuery = new 
         Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
         calendar.set(2011, 10, 28, 0, 0, 0);    //2011-10-28
         parQuery.setLiteral("productStatusDate", calendar);
         Query query = parQuery.asQuery();

I printed the query which looks like this:

PREFIX  nxp:  <>

SELECT  ?typeNumber
   { ?x nxp:typeNumber ?typeNumber .
     ?x nxp:productStatusDate 

How can I switch to using date ??

Thx in advance,

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