On 29/10/13 15:16, Norman Walsh wrote:
Hi folks,

I'm parsing some RDF documents in streaming mode:

      ...blah blah blah...
             try {
                 ErrorHandler handler = new ParserErrorHandler(fsname);
                 ParserProfile prof = RiotLib.profile(lang, fsname, handler);
             } catch (Exception e) {
                 LOG.fatal("Failed to parse: " + origFn);
                 parseFailed = true;

This has the effect of aborting the parse at the first error. Not
unreasonable, but...

It appears that if I simply load the model into memory, although I get
the same error reported, the "non streaming" loader recovers from the
error and gets more triples.

It does? There is only a streaming parser - when it going into a model, that is just the destination. You shoudl get an exception from the error.

Can I recover in streaming mode? Ideally, I'd like (modulo duplicates)
to get the same data regardless of whether or not streaming is used.

Do you have a complete, minimal example to show the issue? Tis doesn't sound right (and what lang?)

                                         Be seeing you,

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