On 17/03/14 18:17, Adam Retter wrote:
Thanks Guys,

We did try using the:

"yourSPARQLEndpoint elda:supportsNestedSelects true."

Although I think we found that the option was actually (non-plural):

"yourSPARQLEndpoint elda:supportsNestedSelect true."

However, whilst Elda reported that it did indeed support the
NestedSelect, it continued to create that absolutely massive union for
our query.

Bizarre - probably one for the ELDA mailing list
  linked-data-api-discuss AT googlegroups.com

The good news is my colleague Rob was able to change Elda's config
file so that it generated a much simpler query for us. So we have now
moved past that one. If anyone wants more info on this, please say,
and I will ask him to post some detail.

Yes - it would be interesting to know what changes you made, and their effect.


Thanks for all your help guys.

On 17 March 2014 06:51, Chris_Dollin <ehog.he...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sunday, March 16, 2014 06:58:29 PM Adam Retter wrote:

Unfortunately, today, we have a query that is generated by Elda and
POST'ed to Fuseki (https://github.com/epimorphics/elda). The query is
about 1.4MB!

Unfortunately this query causes Fuseki to throw a
java.lang.StackOverflowError. The only other post I found on the
mailing list which looks similar was from 2011
http://markmail.org/message/pwzdrcn7lnkqra35 but there was no follow
up to it.

Concur with Andy -- you need to enable the nested select option
(which has been in Elda for a long time, since we hit exactly the same
issue of ENORMOUS queries you have ...)

Add to your configuration:

     yourSPARQLEndpoint elda:supportsNestedSelects true.

where elda has been defined with

   @prefix elda:               <http://www.epimorphics.com/vocabularies/lda#> .

This is documented at


(which is the .29 documentation, but this aspect hasn't changed since it was
introduced, and I see a couple of typos there which I will fix before .30 comes
out Later This Week All Being Well.)


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