On 27/04/14 12:41, Cindy A McMullen wrote:
Hi -

Is there a way to check the consistency of triples with one's ontology prior to 
insertion into the graph?   If not, are there APIs to validate the existing 
graph against one's ontology?

The Jena inference API supports validation:

So you can construct an inference model over a data model, a reasoner and an ontology and then check the result for consistency.

How thorough the consistency checking depends on the reasoner. If you need complete DL consistency checking use Pellet or some other DL reasoner. The builtin OWL rule reasoner configurations do given some consistency checking.

Bewared that consistency in OWL is a weaker concept than schema validation so lots of things you might expect to be inconsistent aren't.

For more pragmatic validation of data there is Eyeball:


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