To use Jena Security with Fuseki you have Fuseki serve your Secured Models.
(I don't know that his has been done but I did something very similar
before I wrote the Security Module).

It works like this:

   - Fuseki uses Jetty.
   - Jetty allows you to define the Authentication  and Authorization
   provider via a filter.
   - Apache Shiro lets you plug almost any Authentication and Authorization
   provider into the system.
   - Jena Security required a SecurityEvaluator implementation.
   - The SecurityEvaluator can easily interface with Shiro to determine the
   currently logged in user.

What this entails is:

   - Configuring Jetty to use Shiro.
   - Configuring Shiro to use your authentication and authorization
   - Writing a SecurityEvaluator that uses Shiro to get user information.
   - Writing a Jena assembler for your SecurityEvaluator implementation.
   - Configuring Fuseki to serve the secured models as.

Not exactly trivial as the configurations can be tricky, but not that hard

I have this on my list of things to do as a demo and as a configuration for


On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 4:30 PM, Trevor Donaldson <>

> Is it possible to use Jena Security with Fuseki? I am guessing no. If I
> needed this capability I would have to create my own "fuseki server". Is
> this correct?

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