I have a graphField defined for a Fuseki 2.3.0 text index EntityMap.

When I now load data via tdbloader and text.indexer

java -cp $FUSEKI_HOME/fuseki-server.jar tdb.tdbloader --loc=$TDB_DIR
java -cp $FUSEKI_HOME/fuseki-server.jar jena.textindexer

according to an inspection of the index with luke, index entries 
"urn:x-arq:DefaultGraph" for the graphField are created.

However, when I use HTTP to load additional data like that:

curl -X POST --silent -H "Content-Type: application/x-turtle" -d @$SCFILE 

index entries "urn:x-arq:DefaultGraphNode" are created.

The text query seems to aim at the latter, ('(text:test) AND 
graph:urn\:x\-arq\:DefaultGraphNode'), which seems to be the reason for my 
searches creating empty results.

When I comment out the graphField statement and recreate the store, searches 
bring up the expected results.

Cheers, Joachim

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