
I want to manage a TDB notably to store observations which use terms
defined in an external ontology.

This ontology is defined in OWL files available on the following web page:

Example of OWL file used:
- 3.13.1 version :
- 3.12 version :

What is the best practice to handle the ontology use ?

My idea is to import the OWL file as a named model in my TDB whereas my
instances are stored in the default model. These instances will be linked
to the ontology through <ontology_base_uri#RIDxxxx> resources (where
RIDxxxx is the local id of terms defined in this ontology)

When I will have to reason with the ontology, I will use a 'work' model
resulting from the union of the ontology named model and the default model.

My questions:

1) Is this the right way to reason with imported ontologies (i.e. the
default model to store the instances, named models used to import different
versions of an ontology and a 'work' model resulting from the union of
default model and named model) ?

2) How can I handle the different versions of OWL files ?

e.g. in one version of this ontology, the RID31872 term is identified by the
<http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1447432460.owl#RID31872> uri
while the same term is identified by the
<http://www.owl-ontologies.com/Ontology1415135201.owl#RID31872> uri

Which information will be the more useful to store in my default model to
be able to link to the corresponding term in the different versions of the
ontology since the base uri could change from one version to the other
(while the local part is still the same) ?

Thank you in advance for your help.


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